Another tale... We live and learn. by Raistlin

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I was dealing with a youth today, a lad of 17, who had been charged, and pleaded guilty to fraud involving eBay to the tune of several thousand pounds.

As some of you may know, in the Youth Court, the Bench chairman is able to engage with the defendant directly, without the intervention of the defence advocate.

I mentioned that perhaps at 17 it might be time to consider what he might do with his life, having left school, and maybe begin to demonstrate responsibility.

We were than told that he had a great deal of responsibility, which he took very seriously and proceeded to outline what he was involved with, I might add, without the slightest embarrassment.

It appears that he is a member of a worldwide internet group whose sole mission is to record hours upon hours of TV footage from news, weather, local interest type material ie. factual and live, within their own particular national boundaries. They then set to watch the entire video footage, in great detail, looking for "upskirt shots". He explained this term in greater detail but do I really need to spell it out?

Any suitable material is then copied to Youtube under the organization's umbrella banner.

So... apparently there are hundreds of young men, all over the world, poring over hours of video in the hope of catching a glimpse of a lady's underwear following an unguarded or clumsy movement or crossing of legs.

We live and learn.

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

Click the image to go to Nano-Meet Website

Posted 26 Jan 2015, 19:19 #1 

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(Site Admin)
It's life Captain but, not as we know it. :(

Posted 26 Jan 2015, 20:35 #2 

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Mick wrote:It's life Captain but, not as we know it. :(

Well I have a pond, so maybe I do?

But I suppose it does 'prove' that Magistrates are 'out of touch' with 'modern culture'.


Posted 26 Jan 2015, 21:21 #3 

Presume all at taxpayers expense

That apart Mrs Lincoln, did you enjoy the play


Posted 27 Jan 2015, 11:14 #4 
