Thanks Paul. My Dad may disown me for not knowing the difference, but then he is a Vulcan man having been an apprentice at AVRoe at the time the Vulcan was developed.
Looks like the Vulcan isn't going to be at Farnborough - I'm sur eit was in 2012.
I think the one above is a Typhoon - I always confuse it with the Grippen unless they are next to each other, otherwise I really struggle to nwork out which one. The Grippen has more/bigger 'pointy bits'. Both sound amazing when flying low overhead
Planning is an unnatural process, much better to just get on with things, that way failure comes as a complete surprise instead of being preceeded by a period of worry and doubt
A wonderful machine (but then I am a little biased)! Two snaps,one from a field near the show and the close up......another telephoto,thats her scaring the hell out of me after a low level pass on RAF Odiham,that shot is from my garden..repeat no telephoto,never ever seen her that low..BRILLIANT!!!!!
Planning is an unnatural process, much better to just get on with things, that way failure comes as a complete surprise instead of being preceeded by a period of worry and doubt
Beautiful plane, that noise must have been terrific and exciting, thanks for sharing the photos P and others. Video at that height would have sounded better. Oh to be in the sky again.
"My lovely car now sold onto a very happy new owner. I still love this marque and I will still be around, preferred selling to breaking, as a great runner and performer"
She caught me by suprise because those engines were just above ground idle,had the throttles been opened up to the "howl",I think the roof would have gone! built in 1820.On another tack,an airliner that has always been a favourite,so elegant and what a sound..... Nice to "hear" from you John