Stolen, NOW RECOVERED :) by Mick

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(Site Admin)
I don't usually do this on this forum but, I am getting sick and tired of seeing classic cars from other groups I am a member of reported stolen.
If any help can be forthcoming from our members all to the good.

I'm sure you will all be saddened to hear that (MGOC member) Kay Pinnock's beloved 1971 MGB "Tim", registration number 55 TMM, was stolen on Thursday morning from right outside her house in London.
Although the two men who carried out the theft were captured on CCTV (see photo), and the police now have a warrant to bring the older of the two men in for questioning, no more has since been heard of the car.
The CCTV footage shows the thieves to have been loitering in the area for 10 minutes prior to taking the MGB.
It is now known that they had a yellow car loader waiting down the road for them, and so this crime has all the hallmarks of having been a commissioned theft.
If you are offered or see this car for sale, or if you come into contact with the men in the photos please contact the police and the owner (on 07412 679 331) immediately.
Detailed photos of "Tim" prior to the theft can be viewed on this link
It is likely the number plates would have been changed by now.
Kay and "Tim" the MGB have been together for 45 years, and were regulars at MGOC and MGCC runs, and at Brooklands and Goodwood etc.
So please let's as a community do all we can to bring "Tim" the MGB back home.
Please share this post widely in the classic car community, and please ask all your trade contacts to display the attached poster in motor trade premises. (Download the poster from this link
This was a brazen theft on a busy street in broad daylight, right outside the owner's home. It is likely that someone in the classic car community knows the identity and whereabouts of the men in the photos.
Let's get them caught and brought to justice before they do it again to someone else in our community. Thank you in advance for whatever help you can provide.


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Posted 04 Nov 2018, 18:43 #1 

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The amount of love care and effort that goes into keeping a classic looking so good and then some bar stewards come along and so brazenly take it away , they will obviously be caught given the CCTV but no doubt the punishment wont fit the crime, let us know if they get it back Mick
Robs Pictures at :

Robs Car Gallery

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Planning is an unnatural process, much better to just get on with things, that way failure comes as a complete surprise instead of being preceeded by a period of worry and doubt

Posted 04 Nov 2018, 20:46 #2 

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Bermudan 75
I hope the car is recovered and the thieves caught.

Posted 05 Nov 2018, 18:04 #3 

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(Site Admin)
Vehicle has been found. Can't get to the details as it is in Facebook closed group.

Posted 09 Nov 2018, 00:13 #4 

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Posted 09 Nov 2018, 00:20 #5 

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Bermudan 75
Wonderful news.

Posted 09 Nov 2018, 22:32 #6 

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Happy ending at last.

Posted 12 Nov 2018, 20:28 #7 

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saw your post on bookface Mick, glad it found its way home
Robs Pictures at :

Robs Car Gallery

click below to access nano website

Planning is an unnatural process, much better to just get on with things, that way failure comes as a complete surprise instead of being preceeded by a period of worry and doubt

Posted 12 Nov 2018, 21:37 #8 

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Pleased she got it back. What a couple of donkeys those guys were. Broad daylight with faces on view. Asking to be caught. Need to spend the next 6 months dyed bright green.

Posted 10 Dec 2018, 20:46 #9 
