It's that man again AKA Thanks Steve (Arctic) by Raistlin

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Please forgive the homage to Tommy Handley in the Subject ;)


Simple job I thought, take the driver's headlight out, swap my ballast, ignitor, burner and bulbs over to the new headlight and re-fit.

Hmm... Over an hour it took me trying to get the ignitor back onto the burner, terrified of braking something as I needed the car this evening. It just refused to lock into place.

In desperation I phoned Steve (Arctic) for a bit of advice. I know it's Boxing Day but I was really in a fix.

Anyway, not content with advice, Steve was at my house within 20 minutes :)

... and within 5 minutes had the ignitor re-fitted to the burner :D Not only that though, he even helped change the other bulbs over and more or less re-fitted the bumper as well. What a bloke :)

Steve, I know it is somewhat less than adequate but... THANKS MATE :)

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

Click the image to go to Nano-Meet Website

Posted 26 Dec 2013, 15:42 #1 

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:elf: Paul the nano ethos rules and may it do so for a long time to come, great to be part of, hope you got to where you were going cheers Arctic :tree:
Pearl Firefrost

Posted 27 Dec 2013, 02:58 #2 

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Well done Steve. Sorry I couldn't help, Paul, but I've never even looked at HID (High Intensity Discharge) headlamp on the 75s before so I had no idea what the fitting was like.

Posted 27 Dec 2013, 09:48 #3 

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Thanks for allowing me to take up your time on Boxing Day Duncan :)

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

Click the image to go to Nano-Meet Website

Posted 27 Dec 2013, 12:28 #4 

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Nice show of Community spirit there chaps, may I say well done to all. :clap:

"My lovely car now sold onto a very happy new owner.
I still love this marque and I will still be around, preferred selling to breaking, as a great runner and performer"

Posted 27 Dec 2013, 14:15 #5 

