Gate Keeper wrote:I do not have a problem in being reminded the common courtesies which you have been writing about. Should I address you as Raistlin or Paul,
Sorry for the delay in replying. I tend to lose interest in threads which the resident troll / nemesis / stalker has chosen to contaminate

However, my initial post, I can assure you, was not in any way directed at anybody, not even obliquely, on this forum which seems, in general terms, a haven of gentility.
Thank you for the consideration but by all means use my name if you've a mind

The reason I re-visited was to give a further example of the thoughtless lack of consideration and the potential consequences:-
I was telephoned today by an administrator in Crown Court in a real flap who all but begged my attendance in the Appeal Court tomorrow owing to a sudden cancellation by one of the rostered Bench. Being a Bank Holiday weekend, I assumed that somebody had decided to take advantage of the forecast good weather. Bear in mind that very few Magistrates are qualified to sit on appeal cases.
Anyway, always ready to help, I agreed to step in.
I then gave details of my car's registration for admittance to the secure car park at which point I was told that I wasn't entitled to a space and that there were plenty of public car parks in the vicinity of the Crown Court.
I must admit that it took me a moment or two to assimilate the crass and insensitive nature of the comment before I replied that she should therefore find another Magistrate, thereafter putting the phone down.