What happened to good manners? by Raistlin (Page 2 of 2)

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Gate Keeper wrote:I do not have a problem in being reminded the common courtesies which you have been writing about. Should I address you as Raistlin or Paul,

Sorry for the delay in replying. I tend to lose interest in threads which the resident troll / nemesis / stalker has chosen to contaminate :)

However, my initial post, I can assure you, was not in any way directed at anybody, not even obliquely, on this forum which seems, in general terms, a haven of gentility.

Thank you for the consideration but by all means use my name if you've a mind :)

The reason I re-visited was to give a further example of the thoughtless lack of consideration and the potential consequences:-

I was telephoned today by an administrator in Crown Court in a real flap who all but begged my attendance in the Appeal Court tomorrow owing to a sudden cancellation by one of the rostered Bench. Being a Bank Holiday weekend, I assumed that somebody had decided to take advantage of the forecast good weather. Bear in mind that very few Magistrates are qualified to sit on appeal cases.

Anyway, always ready to help, I agreed to step in.

I then gave details of my car's registration for admittance to the secure car park at which point I was told that I wasn't entitled to a space and that there were plenty of public car parks in the vicinity of the Crown Court.

I must admit that it took me a moment or two to assimilate the crass and insensitive nature of the comment before I replied that she should therefore find another Magistrate, thereafter putting the phone down.

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

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Posted 02 May 2013, 17:17 #21 

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Gate Keeper
No problem this end Paul :) Your good enough to sit on the appeal bench but not for the secure car park. How bizarre that is. I can understand how you would feel being on the receiving end of such treatment, given you are trying to help. They need to get it sorted. I have not been on this site much of late and missed this thread in follow up. I was not aware of any trolls visiting. I have always seen this forum as being absent of forum politics and dedicated to our cars in one way or another. I am currently in ZA on the family farm. In the past month at the farm we have had to deal with an attempted murder, 2 armed robberies with guns and metal thefts weekly. Then today, thugs were seen hiding in the woods and bushes on the mountain. Off road cyclists had been ambushed during their night rides through the farm and beaten up for the bikes. This has forced the cyclists to club together and visit in the daytime. So today the police and armed response, attended to track down these thugs who managed to get away. We are fighting a war. Hence my spasmodic visits to the forums. Apart from that, it is really beautiful here, it really is.
All the best


Posted 02 May 2013, 18:06 #22 

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Hmm... either they are drastically short of Magistrates or the Listing office manager thought that a damage limitation exercise might be in order ;)

She just called at my house, on her way home from work, to explain that the girl who called me was new to the job and thought that a Magistrate was "probably some sort of probation officer". :lol: I understand that she was disabused of this notion and has chosen, of her own volition it appears, to write a letter of apology. Nice thought but a little over the top I think. Anybody can make a mistake owing to lack of knowledge or experience.

Lisa, a very astute and perceptive individual decided to take advantage of my undoubted vanity and ego by telling me that the poor girl nearly fainted when she was told that a Magistrate is the equivalent of a Circuit Judge in the Appeal Court and probably wasn't used to being told to find a public car park :lol:

Anyway, it looks as though I'm sitting on the appeal cases tomorrow after all :)

Gate Keeper, your description of local crime certainly puts certain things into perspective.

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

Click the image to go to Nano-Meet Website

Posted 02 May 2013, 18:48 #23 

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raistlin wrote:Sorry for the delay in replying. I tend to lose interest in threads which the resident troll / nemesis / stalker has chosen to contaminate :)

Blimey, I had to check back through the thread to make sure that I hadn't posted! :-o ;) :lol:

Posted 02 May 2013, 19:21 #24 

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Bermudan 75
I am sure the lads at next weeks nano-meet will have a secure parking space for you Paul, :lol:



Posted 03 May 2013, 08:42 #25 

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MrDoodles wrote:
raistlin wrote:Sorry for the delay in replying. I tend to lose interest in threads which the resident troll / nemesis / stalker has chosen to contaminate :)

Blimey, I had to check back through the thread to make sure that I hadn't posted! :-o ;) :lol:

Me too Mr Doodles........Only thought I would pop in and make a post or two....eek. :-) lol. Poppy
If you always do what you've always done... You will always get what You've always got.

Posted 03 May 2013, 21:23 #26 

