Using a public car park for a meet??? by humphshumphs

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Hi All,

Just a quick question.... What is the legality of using a public (council) car park for a club meet?
Looking at a very underused car park with a nice family pub/restaurant next to it for a meet of 75's and ZT's.

Posted 22 Sep 2012, 18:48 #1 

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I suppose it depends what you want to achieve at the meet, if its a hands on " nano " type meet then i guess its a no no, or you would need to approach the council for permission. If its just a gathering and chatting with a trip to the family pub/ restaurant next door then i personally see no problem .

You would probably be wise to contact the local council in any case
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Posted 22 Sep 2012, 19:17 #2 

I go to a monthly meet organized once a month in a large car park attached to public house its organized by one of our other clubs for MG's and 75s the organizer has done a deal with pub I guess and they benefit from extra trade on a sunday when many stay home for lunch !! but I would check with council as was suggested our meets tend to be lively and good chat is had by all


Posted 28 Sep 2012, 17:31 #3 
