Please, Just shoot me now :(... Update by takestock (Page 1 of 2)

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Well, this time yesterday I was in Lanzarote.

Then I was on the end of some serious chest pains right across my chest. Wife said I went a rather grey colour :(.

Weighed up the odds, we are fully insured when we travel, costs a fair bit as i have a history of high blood pressure ( controlled for over 10 yr now but you never know) So as I say, weighed up the odds of visiting the hospital in the canaries and letting the spanish butchers have a go, or jumping on the next available flight home for some good old NHS involvement.

Not fair to leave Marina stuck out there things being as they are so, £280 quid lighter, and a week earlier home than we planned. Arrived at St james's this morning after flying through the night.
Had blood tests, ecg and xray, no abnormalities show up on anything, yet i still had the feeling there was a concrete slab on my chest.

Has them baffled? now have to look forward to other avenues??? Discharged and referred to a chest pain specialist and now the pain has gone :confused: It doesn't seem to be brought on by exercise or climbing stairs etc

Oh if i were only called Prince Phillip it would have been sorted by now
Photobucket = Tossers


Posted 15 Jan 2012, 20:39 #1 

Last edited by takestock on 27 Jan 2012, 11:51, edited 1 time in total.

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(Site Admin)
Delayed stress perhaps?

Posted 15 Jan 2012, 20:53 #2 

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Sorry to hear you had to come home early, hope everything is ok and nothing to bad is found.

Posted 15 Jan 2012, 20:57 #3 

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My first thought was that it might be a manifestation of stress as well Dave.

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

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Posted 15 Jan 2012, 20:59 #4 

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hope it is nothing to worry over and glad you are still with us

Posted 15 Jan 2012, 21:02 #5 

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The strange thing is with stress related symptoms (generic term) is that it can indeed often manifest itself AFTER the events that have caused it rather than during...once you have managed to stop is when it can hit...sorry it has shortened your holiday Dave.

Posted 15 Jan 2012, 21:55 #6 

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Very bad news Dave, I hope it is just down to stress and nothing more serious. Such a shame you had to curtail your well-deserved holiday though :(

Posted 15 Jan 2012, 23:09 #7 

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Such a shame to have to come home early when holidays are planned and looked forward to, hope you get to the bottom of it Dave, take care
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Planning is an unnatural process, much better to just get on with things, that way failure comes as a complete surprise instead of being preceeded by a period of worry and doubt

Posted 15 Jan 2012, 23:24 #8 

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(Site Admin)
Hoping it's 'just' a stress related issue, Dave, and the symptoms will be gone for good. I think you made the right decision to have a check up at home. Take care.

Posted 16 Jan 2012, 00:23 #9 

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Sorry for your shortened vacations Dave and glad you're OK.
Take Care and try to have some more rest.
I miss you a lot Samarkand!

Posted 16 Jan 2012, 04:49 #10 

Here's hoping it is delayed stress.

Presume with being on holiday and also getting the news about your job that you were ultra relaxed and then possibly the stress thing hit you at your most vulnerable.

Look on the bright side, you would not have enjoyed another week in the sun, downing Sangria whenever you wanted .

Just a thought, perhaps a Spanish hospital would have seen euros whereas the UK hospital just sees waiting lists

That apart Mrs Lincoln, did you enjoy the play


Posted 16 Jan 2012, 08:11 #11 

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Get well soon Dave, health is the most important thing :)
Superabit omnia virtus

Posted 16 Jan 2012, 09:54 #12 

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Ditto to all of the above - health does indeed come first

(if anyone does choose to shoot you, can I have your car? ;) )

Posted 16 Jan 2012, 09:58 #13 

Hope your feeling better soon Dave, Sorry to hear about the holliday cut short but sometimes better to be at home if you don't feel well. Take care

Posted 16 Jan 2012, 13:28 #14 

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Really sorry to hear that you had to cut your Holiday short Dave.
Your symptoms seem and sound very similar to something I have experienced and that was diagnosed as a stress related problem (work!)after the event.

"My lovely car now sold onto a very happy new owner.
I still love this marque and I will still be around, preferred selling to breaking, as a great runner and performer"

Posted 16 Jan 2012, 13:50 #15 

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takestock wrote:It doesn't seem to be brought on by exercise or climbing stairs etc

And how would you know? :lol:

Seriously though Dave you've had a lot to put up with lately & it's probably (hopefully) just anxiety, I for one hope it's nothing more than that ;)
Geordie Jeans! they're nice & tight especially roond the arse

Posted 16 Jan 2012, 14:46 #16 

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Not sure whether to wish a speedy recovery, as you don't know what the problem is, so I'll just say I hope it doesn't happen again.

Posted 16 Jan 2012, 18:54 #17 

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Not much to say, Dave, but our thoughts are with you.
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Posted 16 Jan 2012, 20:35 #18 

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Chest pains can also be caused by drinking too much coffee (excluding decaf) or after a large meal. (something to do with restricted space round the heart) . Or a chest infection, as well as all the stress related things..
Sorry your holiday was cut short and all the worry and stress associated with your problem.. :(
Try to rest and relax.. That is the best medicine innit.. :)

Posted 17 Jan 2012, 01:32 #19 

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Hey Dave.

Shame about the shortened holiday. Really hope it's something that felt worse than it is . . .that sounds mean but its not meant to be. :nurse:

Wish you a speedy recovery.

Posted 17 Jan 2012, 19:42 #20 
