Oh the brass neck of Paypal by Raistlin

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Paypal are rip-off merchants.

They've "suspended" a payment I've just made because it "might be outside our acceptable use policy" "We will carry out a more detailed review within 72 hours"

That's bad enough, cheeky barstewards, but it gets better. They've suspended paying the person I owe money to, but they've taken the money out of my bank account.

That's nice isn't it? Take money from people, hang on to it for an arbitrary time and make extra profit before passing it on.

They're a bigger bunch of crooks than our politicians :(

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

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Posted 08 Jun 2013, 20:07 #1 

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Borg Warner
So if it's outside their policy how soon before you get your money back?

We are, sadly and worryingly, more and more in the hands of these people.

I'm surprised that the credit card companies haven't jumped on the bandwagon with internet payments. Surely they'd make even more money???

Gary M.

Posted 08 Jun 2013, 20:18 #2 

I'm not in the least suggesting positive action, let each to his own self....., but is everyone aware that allegedly the majority if not all the porn providers use a payticular bank for their clearance requirements? As said, 'let each to his own self be true'.

Posted 09 Jun 2013, 16:17 #3 

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I know from experience in Court that they are frequently the provider of choice. Run, as I understand it by a Mormon family as well. What positive action had you in mind?

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

Click the image to go to Nano-Meet Website

Posted 09 Jun 2013, 16:28 #4 

I wasn't aware of the spiritual devotions of the owners.

Difficult to put into words the revulsion one feels about pornographers without descending to impolite language (I would equate the 'owners' that provide the service with the people that pay them - not unlike turning moneylenders' tables over in an ancient temple - although I'm not religious).

Suffice it to say the likelyhood of me entering one of their particular tabernacles is less now than it might otherwise have been before your post and roughly equal to that of me ever using that bank. There is always a choice.

Posted 09 Jun 2013, 17:10 #5 

Last edited by Jumper on 10 Jun 2013, 12:45, edited 1 time in total.

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Bermudan 75
I worked for a company in Manchester a couple of years ago that knew that it's employees were lying to obtain business, impersonating Local Authority employees, using National Insurance numbers fraudulently and yes owned and managed by a family of Morons er, I mean Mormons.


Posted 10 Jun 2013, 08:48 #6 

Rover418275 wrote:I worked for a company in Manchester a couple of years ago that knew that it's employees were lying to obtain business, impersonating Local Authority employees, using National Insurance numbers fraudulently and yes owned and managed by a family of Morons er, I mean Mormons.


Whilst I understand your point, I wouldn’t want to initiate here a debate on the virtues or otherwise of the Mormons, thereby risking going off topic or opening up the possibility of prejudicious religious discussion. On that point, my earlier misuse of the word ’temples’ has now been corrected.

No, I was referring to pornographers being valued contributors to the commercial success of that bank, and my unspoken posit that there might be ethical grounds for individuals to reassess their banking preferences, as is done in many other areas.

Their reputation for banking excellence and principled management may or may not be deserved, according to your view and irrespective of their professed adherence to lofty religious pretension. To repeat, there is always a choice.

Posted 10 Jun 2013, 12:48 #7 
