Odd behaviour by Raistlin

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I drive along the M54 most week-day mornings at roughly 07:15 to 07:30, West-bound and just recently I've noticed an odd phenomena.

There are quite a few cars in lane one doing 50mph, thereby forcing all the HGVs into lane two, the upshot of which is that the entire motorway is limited to 56 mph. There seem to be just sufficient cars in lane one to make it not worth the HGV driver's while to pull in, even after they've taken quite a considerable time to get past the cars at a net speed of 5 mph. SO, a solid mass of HGVs in lane two and a motley collection of cars in lane one. Very odd.

Is this specific to one particular bit of the M54 or has anybody seen it elsewhere?

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

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Posted 12 Dec 2013, 18:50 #1 

Is the lower speed limit still in force round there Paul? Although that would mean all the HGV's are happy to break the speed limit.

Posted 13 Dec 2013, 07:41 #2 

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It is David, but I'm talking about beyond the limit.

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

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Posted 13 Dec 2013, 08:51 #3 

Maybe they dont notice its ended? There's a section on the m6 where people plod on at 50 after the lower limit has ended

Posted 16 Dec 2013, 11:21 #4 

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I am on the same stretch a few minutes before you Paul at 7 am Mon - Wed and its not as bad,although it can have its moments, i go door to door from home to office in under 30 minutes and thats not speeding and includes the restricted section by JLR, and is about 23 miles in total
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Posted 16 Dec 2013, 12:11 #5 

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I get the impression that it is the same cars every morning Rob :(

Some sort of economy drive I expect.

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

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Posted 16 Dec 2013, 16:06 #6 

