Holiday time by kandyman (Page 1 of 2)

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It's time again for me to take my annual trip to Scotland,

The last few years I have used the onboard trip computer to log the details,

440.7 total miles
33.2 Av mpg
67.1 Av mph

432.04 total miles
33.4 MPG
50.8 Av mph

1,916.7 total miles
31.7 Av MPG
50.5mph avg speed

Posted 03 Aug 2012, 19:06 #1 

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(Site Admin)
Enjoy your vacation! :)

Posted 03 Aug 2012, 20:26 #2 

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(Site Admin)
Bon Voyage. :)

Posted 03 Aug 2012, 22:13 #3 

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Have a safe trip Andy :)

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

Click the image to go to Nano-Meet Website

Posted 03 Aug 2012, 22:27 #4 

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Well we all arrived safe,

Left at 4am this morning and arrived at 11am and we had clear roads all the way.

Again going by the onboard trip computer is showed,

471 miles
34.4 Av mpg
74.6 Av mph

Pretty happy with them figures.

Remember my car is a R75 2.5 :)

Posted 04 Aug 2012, 10:32 #5 

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Sounds like it's time to relay knowing all is well Andy :)
Photobucket = Tossers


Posted 04 Aug 2012, 17:01 #6 

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Enjoy yourself Andy, well deserved, hope the girls have a good time to. :)

"My lovely car now sold onto a very happy new owner.
I still love this marque and I will still be around, preferred selling to breaking, as a great runner and performer"

Posted 05 Aug 2012, 20:09 #7 

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Well time for my holiday to come to an end, 
I'll be setting soon for my 470ish mile drive back to Kent. 

Wave if you spot me :) 

Posted 18 Aug 2012, 07:44 #8 

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Made it home,

Thanks god I have air con in the car :)

It took me 7 hrs dead,

472 miles

Posted 18 Aug 2012, 16:18 #9 

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Gate Keeper
Thanks god I have air con in the car :) and that it worked! hehehe Welcome back

Posted 18 Aug 2012, 17:24 #10 

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Gate Keeper
Did you spot many 75's?

Posted 18 Aug 2012, 17:25 #11 

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Only saw 1 75 which was a nice 2004 model and I saw a 2003 ZT.

Did't see any community/club stickers on any of them.

Posted 18 Aug 2012, 17:35 #12 

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(Site Admin)
That went a bit too quick. You'll need a holiday now. :lol:

Posted 18 Aug 2012, 17:51 #13 

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Gate Keeper
At least the 2 you saw I guess were up and running. The last time I was in Scotland was a couple of years ago and seriously thought about buying a flat up there but then thought about the weather and then changed my mind. How was your holiday then?

Posted 18 Aug 2012, 18:09 #14 

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Mick wrote:That went a bit too quick. You'll need a holiday now. :lol:

Yeah to quick.

Posted 18 Aug 2012, 18:58 #15 

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Gate Keeper wrote:At least the 2 you saw I guess were up and running. The last time I was in Scotland was a couple of years ago and seriously thought about buying a flat up there but then thought about the weather and then changed my mind. How was your holiday then?

Holiday was good, I have family in Lochgelly in Fife who I stay with and my younger brother live in Sterling with his partner and there twin boys that were 6 when we was up there, so we was busy driving between to two.

Plus we took our new puppy with us so we were restricted on where we could go.

Posted 18 Aug 2012, 19:04 #16 

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kandyman wrote:
Gate Keeper wrote:At least the 2 you saw I guess were up and running. The last time I was in Scotland was a couple of years ago and seriously thought about buying a flat up there but then thought about the weather and then changed my mind. How was your holiday then?

Holiday was good, I have family in Lochgelly in Fife who I stay with and my younger brother live in Sterling with his partner and there twin boys that were 6 when we was up there, so we was busy driving between to two.

Plus we took our new puppy with us so we were restricted on where we could go.

They live in Sterling? The furniture store ;)

Glad you had a nice time, buzz me next time you're heading north and I'll buy you a coffee x

Posted 27 Aug 2012, 16:27 #17 

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Gate Keeper wrote:seriously thought about buying a flat up there but then thought about the weather and then changed my mind.

But the grass is green and the girls are pretty x

Posted 27 Aug 2012, 16:28 #18 

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Gate Keeper
It is true they are pretty. Here is looking at you kid! I will give you a call next time I am up your way Anna. I have a good deal of exploring to do. I know Glasgow, Inverness and Edinburgh. My first medical repat was back in 1984 when I flew out to Majorca in an air ambulance from the UK. We picked up a middle aged man who had suffered a major stroke and he had to get back to Inverness before his travel insurance ran out and he needed special treatment in Scotland. It went very well and years later by coincidence I met up with him and his wife whilst I was on holiday in Tunisia. A small world eh! He had made a good recovery in his speech and mobility. That is how I know Inverness. Did I spell it right? :)

Posted 27 Aug 2012, 17:55 #19 

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You did spell it right :D and you made me smile with 'here's looking at you kid' Dad used to say that all the time, have been thinking a lot about him to today so a strange co-incidence I hear that phrase! Indeed, next time you're coming to Glasgow, let me know! x

Posted 27 Aug 2012, 20:21 #20 

