A tale... scum by Raistlin

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I was chairing the remand Court this morning. Usual run of the mill offences apart from this one.

A 19 year old woman and 24 year old man were in custody for theft and criminal damage.

An ambulance had been called to a residential home this morning at 02:00 following a report of a resident having had a suspected heart attack.

While the ambulance crew were dealing with the patient, the young woman entered the unattended ambulance and stripped it of everything which was either loose or easily ripped out, including the navigation display, which is only of any use in an ambulance, along with anything else which she could get in her pockets. The bloke, meanwhile, finding nothing worth stealing, took out his disappointment on the ambulance itself by smashing the windscreen with a handy brick.

The ambulance crew brought their patient to the ambulance only to discover it was now immobile and they had to call another ambulance to attend. Unfortunately, the patient died in the meantime.

Luckily, the scum were recorded on the care home's forecourt CCTV and the Police recognized them both. Let's just say the are "Known to the Police and Courts." They were both arrested by 03:45, before they had even had time to get rid of the stuff they'd stolen from the ambulance.

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

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Posted 11 Oct 2014, 14:51 #1 

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Posted 11 Oct 2014, 16:10 #2 

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Yes. How did you guess ;)

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

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Posted 11 Oct 2014, 17:13 #3 

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Can they be tried for Manslaughter? Due to what they did, the patient died!

Posted 11 Oct 2014, 20:53 #4 

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Your thread title sums them up Paul, a terrible incident
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Planning is an unnatural process, much better to just get on with things, that way failure comes as a complete surprise instead of being preceeded by a period of worry and doubt

Posted 11 Oct 2014, 21:20 #5 

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humphshumphs wrote:Can they be tried for Manslaughter? Due to what they did, the patient died!


No provable causal link.

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

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Posted 11 Oct 2014, 21:36 #6 

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raistlin wrote:No.

No provable causal link.


Posted 12 Oct 2014, 06:53 #7 

