We're all in it together... apparently by Raistlin

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Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

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Posted 18 Oct 2012, 16:35 #1 

We are in it together though, without us and our Taxes, they wouldn't have the Financial ability to steal the money and invest it in THEIR future..............

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Posted 18 Oct 2012, 17:11 #2 

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Its a total disgrace and should be clamped down on, i happen to know a case within HMRC of someone fiddling their travelling expenses to the tune of £1500 and were rightly punished with a custodial sentence, so why not MPs , this country seems to be more about me me me than when Mrs T was in power
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Planning is an unnatural process, much better to just get on with things, that way failure comes as a complete surprise instead of being preceeded by a period of worry and doubt

Posted 18 Oct 2012, 18:49 #3 

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Don't trust any of them !! :mad1:

Their concern of Mp's security sounds Valid , but I expect its fairly easy to find out an MP's address ??.

But won't a simple question like " Are you renting out any of your properties to anyone ,who is related to or working for a fellow MP" would cover it ?
without disclosing any other info ?


Got one for Me , Then one for her, and now a big one for me again, All BLOO! Well saves on the touch up paint, Now Number one son's Spoilt it all by getting a Firefrost 1.8T

Posted 19 Oct 2012, 19:06 #4 

The capacity for wriggle room in everything they do never ceases to amaze. Indicative of labyrinthine scheming - come to think of it rather like the tax avoidance industry they profess to abhor. MP’s `surgeries` are easy enough to find, why not their houses? Oh, of course, they are part of the secret. Silly me.

The other bit that seriously rankles? Bercow’s complicity in trying to prevent publication. He was all for a ‘root and branch’ cleansing a very short time ago. Now his stature is even more in question. Just in case that appears heightist (I’m a shortie too), I refer to his allegedly supreme guardianship of the moral and ethical standards of That Place. What a shabby lot. If Westminster had stables, even 650 Heracles’ would be hard pressed.

Posted 20 Oct 2012, 11:44 #5 

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Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

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Posted 20 Oct 2012, 12:30 #6 

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Borg Warner
Things such as this make me really hacked off with those running the country. I've always voted, it's my right and I see it as a duty, but tbh I really don't think I'll bother any more. I just can't find it my self to condone these shoddy practices and their puerile pettifogging actions from screaming at each other in The Commons to screaming obscenities at those who protect them. Their unbridled selfish arrogance and greed highlights perfectly all that is bad about people in the modern world. Present company accepted of course. Who do they think they are? I pay their wages. They work for me. Oi Comedeyron, Milibandwagon, WhotsitClegg are you listening???

Rant over, where's my stone to crawl under? (Sorry if this is against club rules).

Posted 20 Oct 2012, 17:10 #7 

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(Site Admin)
No rules here Gary.

Posted 20 Oct 2012, 17:19 #8 
