A tale from the Court... Not nice. by Raistlin

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A chap was in front of us yesterday for sentencing following a Pre Sentence Report (PSR)

The prosecutor outlined the case.

The defendant's springer spaniel had a litter of five puppies but he apparently only managed to sell one.

When they were four weeks old he put the others in individual plastic bags and threw them into a metal dust-bin. He then added a gallon of petrol to the bin and set light to the lot.

A witness said the puppies' screams were audible at a distance of some 400 metres, even above the sound of the flames.

He was asked why he had done so by the PSR author and said, "I didn't like the way they kept whining." "They're only puppies, not people."

The only bright point was that he had taken the case to trial so we were not obliged to give him any discount for early guilty plea.

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

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Posted 26 Sep 2014, 11:29 #1 

Last edited by Raistlin on 26 Sep 2014, 16:03, edited 1 time in total.

What an absolutely evil person!

That apart Mrs Lincoln, did you enjoy the play


Posted 26 Sep 2014, 13:23 #2 

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Wish that had had a warning on it - feel very saddened and a little unwell now.... :(

Eye for an eye would be too lenient for such scum....

Posted 26 Sep 2014, 15:33 #3 

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Dave wrote:Wish that had had a warning on it

It did: "...Not nice"

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

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Posted 26 Sep 2014, 16:03 #4 

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raistlin wrote:
Dave wrote:Wish that had had a warning on it

It did: "...Not nice"

True! :)

Shouldn't have let curiosity get the better of me..... :(

Posted 26 Sep 2014, 16:58 #5 

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Dave wrote:Shouldn't have let curiosity get the better of me..... :(

You didn't see the photos :(

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

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Posted 26 Sep 2014, 17:03 #6 

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Wouldn't even be able to think about doing that

Let us know what happens to the cretin involved, if that's possible?

Posted 26 Sep 2014, 17:11 #7 

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He went down for six months. The maximum we can give Dave, for a single charge.

As I said, luckily the barsteward took the case to trial so he gets no EGP discount.

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

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Posted 26 Sep 2014, 17:19 #8 

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Pleased to hear he's not been let free!

Posted 26 Sep 2014, 17:20 #9 
