The piglets are at the trough by Raistlin

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11% pay rise? Very nice too. Allowing for the intervening year and a bit, that works out at 9% above what everybody else in the public sector can expect. God knows what those in the private sector will receive.

I work in the MoD. Philip Hammond, the Defence Secretary, has stated that while his troops in Afghanistan are limited to 1% there is no way he will accept the pay rise. I SHOULD ****ING WELL HOPE HE WOULDN'T.

It seems the carefully cooked up IPSA scheme is going to backfire and all the big piggys (ministers) are backing away.

The baby piglets though? Gimme gimme gimee... oh, and leave our expenses alone as well... because 'we're worth it'

Would I accept an 11% pay-rise? Damned certain I would... but that wouldn't make it right, would it?

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

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Posted 08 Dec 2013, 15:51 #1 

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Borg Warner
You couldn't script it?

What gets me is their lame excuses, such as it's what a Doctor would get, well go and be one then. Best job in the world; no qualifications, no experience, no brains.

Gary M.

Posted 08 Dec 2013, 18:36 #2 

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I just had to wheel this out again as very appropriate


I heard a good suggestion after PMQ this week because of all the misbehaving and guffaws galore, put cameras on them all not just the speakers so we can see if our own MPs are well behaved or not ( or even there ! )

As for the pay rise, if it is actually paid, they should all to a man and woman donate the same amount to charity
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Planning is an unnatural process, much better to just get on with things, that way failure comes as a complete surprise instead of being preceeded by a period of worry and doubt

Posted 08 Dec 2013, 19:08 #3 

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Bermudan 75
....and these are the people who pass a law saying £71 per week is enough to live on if you are claiming Job Seekers Allowance..... :evil:

Posted 08 Dec 2013, 20:21 #4 

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Who knows, they may be worth it but at this time and in this place even the suggestion of MP's getting a 11% rise is at best repulsive

Posted 09 Dec 2013, 22:08 #5 

There was a Report this week that stated there are more People who are in poverty from Working families than those who are retired or on Benefits. So I guess the 11% is needed to keep our poor MP's from being impoverished..........:(

Fitted Electric Memory Seat, Leather Cubby Lid, Wood Dash, Message Centre.

Posted 09 Dec 2013, 22:13 #6 

