Some people don't deserve children by Raistlin

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The subject line, though provocative, is merely my subjective view after what I witnessed today.

I was with a colleague in the local Sainsbury superstore and we heard a young mother, who couldn't be more than 18 years old, berating a youngster, a lad of maybe four years old.

He was clearly distressed and unfortunately, his cries were getting through even the apparent soundproof wall that some parents seem to be able to erect at will. So much so that the girl I assumed to be his mother had to raise her voice to that of a screeching harridan.

One comment caused me some concern:-

"If you don't f***ing well shut up you little bastard I'm gonna sell you on e-bay tonight and get pregnant and get another baby cos you're not worth the money you bring in anymore you ungrateful little bastard."

The above verbatim as far as I can recall.

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

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Posted 28 Jul 2014, 18:28 #1 

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Delightful. One scarred for life toddler. :(

Posted 28 Jul 2014, 18:30 #2 

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I think you're probably right Mick. Much as I believe that children in general are too shielded from the reality of some of life's knocks and scrapes recently, I think that was horrific.

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

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Posted 28 Jul 2014, 19:25 #3 

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And on the other side of the coin, people who would never, ever behave like that towards children are dealt cruel blows by nature which deny them the chance to be parents..... :(

Posted 28 Jul 2014, 21:35 #4 

and what sort of person will he grow up to be. Perhaps Paul when in a few years time he appears in front of you then perhaps the mother should be sentenced.

Unfortunately, the remark 'you're not worth the money you bring in anymore you ungrateful little bastard' is that some people do see children as a cash cow.

That apart Mrs Lincoln, did you enjoy the play


Posted 29 Jul 2014, 11:10 #5 

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We see it time and time again in Court Paul :(

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

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Posted 29 Jul 2014, 11:43 #6 

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I met some families that just had more Children so that their allowances etc went up, nothing to do with wanting or loving them.

"My lovely car now sold onto a very happy new owner.
I still love this marque and I will still be around, preferred selling to breaking, as a great runner and performer"

Posted 01 Aug 2014, 13:51 #7 

we know all about this, hence the reason we now have permanent residency of our 3 little grandkids, cos nearly £1400 to do it, n now need to probably now need to get rid of our 75 , as we need a tourer/estate now, but no funds to buy another one,savings emptied by solicitors n court, n will probably need to gt finance, but no-one will do finance on cars of this age, :( :(. so looks like after 10 years of happy motoring will be leaving Rover 75s , and after owning this car for 7 years will be very sad to see her go, :(

Posted 09 Aug 2014, 22:44 #8 
