Room 101 by Trebor

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What would you banish to Room 101 if you were given the chance ?

One of my pet hates is people at cash machines who take an age to complete their business , not getting their card ready before they are actually in position and then taking an age to find it, staring at the machine as if they have never used one before looking at every option first followed by the inevitable balance check before deciding whether they want money or not The money is then dispensed but it has to be put away securely and so does the card before they can move away from the cash point. If you are really lucky its a sunny day and the screen cant be seen because of the glare, and sometimes they have a second card to start the process all over
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Planning is an unnatural process, much better to just get on with things, that way failure comes as a complete surprise instead of being preceeded by a period of worry and doubt

Posted 31 May 2012, 21:21 #1 

Last edited by Trebor on 31 May 2012, 21:28, edited 1 time in total.

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Bermudan 75
Similar people in a queque at the supermarket tills. They stand in the queque doing nothing and then when the cashier asks for payment they begin a search for their purse / wallet !

Posted 31 May 2012, 21:28 #2 

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People who don't follow the rules on airlines and then get all surprised when their ticket doesn't cover 9 suitcases including a guitar, who then think it's OK to repack each sodding one when there's one baggage drop counter open for about 80 people.

Sorry, happened earlier today, rant over! :-D

Posted 31 May 2012, 21:32 #3 

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Oh, the list. I'll start tomorrow!

Posted 31 May 2012, 21:34 #4 

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If you start only tomorrow, how will you finish the list in time? :D

Posted 31 May 2012, 21:45 #5 

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Bermudan 75
Duncan wrote:Oh, the list. I'll start tomorrow!

People who procrastinate :gmc:

Posted 31 May 2012, 21:59 #6 

Suffolk Man
most people in supermarkets drive me nuts they seem to have their brains removed upon entry.i was trying to buy a few modest items to find the shelf blocked by a woman staring at the pasta salads.hallo its pasta what is there to look at.judging by the size of her it looks like she had allready eaten enough of them to no what they where like

Posted 31 May 2012, 22:06 #7 

People who start lists moaning about other people :twisted:

That apart Mrs Lincoln, did you enjoy the play


Posted 31 May 2012, 22:07 #8 

The idiots who engrave the shaft of a torque wrench with microscopic Nm's so you can't see 'em. Then sit on your shoulder calling you a tight old sod.

Guitarists that use 11 fingers and chords that can only exist on an air guitar when you're trying to work out how it goes.

Posted 01 Jun 2012, 16:08 #9 

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Trebor wrote:One of my pet hates is people at cash machines who take an age to complete their business , not getting their card ready before they are actually in position and then taking an age to find it, staring at the machine as if they have never used one before looking at every option first followed by the inevitable balance check before deciding whether they want money or not The money is then dispensed but it has to be put away securely and so does the card before they can move away from the cash point. If you are really lucky its a sunny day and the screen cant be seen because of the glare, and sometimes they have a second card to start the process all over

This made me chuckle as it happened to me last week

I went to the Co-op for some cash. As I pulled up, I could see an old bloke standing just in the door, by where the cash machine is. I guessed he was waiting for someone else to finish. I parked the car and sauntered across the car park. As I got inside he'd only just got to the machine... He then took an age to get his card out, and then ensued a lot of button poking and electronic bipping, and very little in the way of physical activity for around 5 minutes. At this point, his card popped back out and he turned to me and said "I am getting stupid. I put the wrong number in". I replied "Not to worry, it's easily done". He then started again and another 2 or 3 minutes of not a lot went on. Following this, out popped his card again. He turned to me once more and said "I really have messed it up. Would you like to go first". I said "I'm fine, please carry on". However, he was really insistent and stepped to one side and gestured me across to the machine. It was at this moment that a huge sum of money, I'm guessing at least £100, popped out of the machine! As the old guy started to bimble away, I grabbed it and put it in his hand. "Oh my goodness, what a fool I am. Thank goodness you are honest!"

At this point I felt a little guilty at feeling a bit frustrated with the old buffer and thought "one day that's going to be me"

*** But normally, yes, I agree! ***

Posted 01 Jun 2012, 16:34 #10 

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OK, while I am at it, a fresh 101 candidate.

My sodding next door neighbour who, whenever he is in the garden, has to take a radio or CD player outside with him and have music (or worse, sports commentary) on loud enough for us to hear inside our house with all the doors and windows shut.

He's doing it now and the only way to ensure we can't hear it is to have music on in here - and even then we can still hear the beat of his

It makes me MAD! The default setting for garden noise is QUIET! Why should I have to listen to the rubbish this Richard Head decides to have on?

Posted 01 Jun 2012, 16:38 #11 

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Stop making me feel guilty about the cash points !

Allowances do have to be made of course for certain people but no excuse for others
Robs Pictures at :

Robs Car Gallery

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Planning is an unnatural process, much better to just get on with things, that way failure comes as a complete surprise instead of being preceeded by a period of worry and doubt

Posted 01 Jun 2012, 16:40 #12 

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(Site Admin)
Dave wrote:My sodding next door neighbour who, whenever he is in the garden, has to take a radio or CD player outside with him and have music (or worse, sports commentary) on loud enough for us to hear inside our house with all the doors and windows shut.

Why isn't shooting such people an act of self-defense?

Posted 01 Jun 2012, 16:49 #13 

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Trebor wrote:Stop making me feel guilty about the cash points !

Allowances do have to be made of course for certain people but no excuse for others

LOL! Don't worry - I felt guilty too!

Posted 01 Jun 2012, 16:50 #14 

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Jürgen wrote:
Dave wrote:My sodding next door neighbour who, whenever he is in the garden, has to take a radio or CD player outside with him and have music (or worse, sports commentary) on loud enough for us to hear inside our house with all the doors and windows shut.

Why isn't shooting such people an act of self-defense?

I wish it was!! Thing is, he's not actually an obnoxious person as such, it's more a case of he just doesn't think. When we put music on (living in a semi as we do) we always keep the volume to an acceptable level. Maybe we should crank it up a bit? :D

Posted 01 Jun 2012, 16:52 #15 

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How about this for a paradox? Put room 101 in room 101.

Posted 02 Jun 2012, 13:05 #16 

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Duncan wrote:How about this for a paradox? Put room 101 in room 101.

Argh! Infinite loop scenario.........

Having said that, you can stick Frank Skinner's version in for me, and bring back the Nick Hancock series!

Posted 02 Jun 2012, 13:37 #17 

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Dave wrote:
Having said that, you can stick Frank Skinner's version in for me, and bring back the Nick Hancock series!

I'm with you.

Posted 02 Jun 2012, 13:39 #18 

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And Paul Merton? Not sure...

NH was fair and put some stuff in, but left others out, whereas PM put more or less everything in!

Posted 02 Jun 2012, 13:41 #19 

