Intercooler Pipe Mod by Arctic

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As most if not all the diesel R75 owners know our intercooler hoses/pipe can and will suffer over time with wear, this can come in differing guises, main hose from intercooler to turbo boost sensor through to EGR (Exhaust Gas Recirculation Valve) can also become porous, thus leaking the black oily deposits we see on them, they can also split and we then have to replace them at great cost, that is if you can find one for sale new ? I have for quite a while now been trying to think of something else we maybe able to use so I stated looking at BMW intercooler pipes which are mostly alloy, i bought several different ones earlier this year to see which if any could be adapted to the R75 diesel.

I also at the same time had to take in to account that my diesel R75 incorporates the turbocharger boost temperature sensor, and at the same time trying to look at the R75 which doe's not include the sensor.

I found the BMW one with a sensor already fitted into the alloy pipe which turned out to be the same size as the R75 sensor so that was a bit of luck, today after a few months of having these pipes I managed to get round to modifying one of the pipes the results are below.

These were the first to arrive the non sensor pipes in March Fig 1

The two sensor ones arrived later in March but I only took photo's of them recently Fig 2

Photo of the sensors close up the small R75 and the one in the BMW alloy pipe Fig 3

We will now move onto fitting the modified pipe/hose first you need to take the engine cover off, and unplug the lead to the turbocharger boost temperature sensor Fig 4/5


Next step in to loosen the jubilee clip holding the hose to the EGR Fig 6

Now loosen the jubilee clip in the intercooler bend Fig 7

Remove the whole section of pipe/hose including the sensor you can use this to copy the shape of the alloy pipe you will need for the modification below you will see I had already cut the pipe to the length I would need Fig 8

After having our Sunday dinner I went back to fitting the pipe and it's adjoining hoses, which the EGR end was the one I took off originally, I have also now added the original sensor switch from my car into the BMW alloy pipe Fig 9

The only hose I have had to add, and cut down in size was from a Free Lander intercooler hose I had this is the part that fits to the bend as here in Fig 10

Make sure you get all the angles right then tighten up the jubilee clips Fig 11

Reconnect the wiring plug, and replace the header tank which is best to drop out of the way when fitting the pipe/hoses, refit the engine cover and you have a new intercooler pipe which will not split, go porous or rub and chaff on the other parts of the engine and will not be in danger of getting burnt/melted from the FBH (Fuel burning heater.) exhaust down pipe. Fig 12/13


The assorted pipes I purchased for the job, both sensor and non sensor cheers Arctic. Fig14/15 :thumbsup:

Pearl Firefrost

Posted 11 May 2014, 20:59 #1 

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Nice work Steve another good mod
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Planning is an unnatural process, much better to just get on with things, that way failure comes as a complete surprise instead of being preceeded by a period of worry and doubt

Posted 12 May 2014, 21:26 #2 
