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Hi John. :happy birthday: have a good one, did you get presents for your birthday and Christmas when you was a lad, or was they combined be so close to the big day. all the best Arctic.
Pearl Firefrost

Posted 21 Dec 2016, 11:47 #1 

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Happy birthday John
:happy birthday:

Posted 21 Dec 2016, 12:39 #2 

Last edited by dattrike on 21 Dec 2016, 17:51, edited 1 time in total.

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(Site Admin)
Many happy returns John, have a good one. :candle:

Posted 21 Dec 2016, 15:07 #3 

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(Site Admin)
Many happy returns John, hope you are having a great day. :)

Posted 21 Dec 2016, 18:49 #4 

Oops ... missed this totally!!! Sorry for that. .. It's been an awkward time ... swallowed up looking for new job.
Like your comments. Yes Arctic, you're right b'day & Xmas do tend to blur together a bit!
Pluses and minuses!
I remember mum always used to use it as a chance to trial the Xmas cake! I can remember some dodgy ones . Like for instance all the fruit being at the bottom or it being stodgy with a burnt Base. ...
Anyway ... yes thanks my wife really makes an effort as she knows my history and she's a gem!
All OK now work wise ... start new job beginning of Feb. at company dealing with slip ring technology and fibre optic's in their R&D dept

Posted 14 Jan 2017, 08:48 #5 

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Hope you had a good one John and well done on the new job, hope it doesnt keep you way from the nano meets as looking forward to some slip ring and fibre optic mods !
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Planning is an unnatural process, much better to just get on with things, that way failure comes as a complete surprise instead of being preceeded by a period of worry and doubt

Posted 14 Jan 2017, 20:05 #6 

