Thanks guys!
Sadly, it's not quite the Birthday we'd planned, as we were booked into our fantastic local, but being put into Tier 3 after a 4 week lockdown that we entered from Tier 1, due to South Holland (that has some of the lowest infection rated in the UK) being lumped in with the rest of Lincolnshire, just over a week ago, was not what we hoped!
I had booked a Table at the Pizza Hut in Peterborough (which is Tier 2, despite having higher infection rates than South Holland) for this evening, but cancelled that earlier in the afternoon, as I just can't be arsed to travel 40 miles (round trip) just to have a bit of Pizza!
So were going to have a normal Friday night in with a Chinese and a couple of bottles of wine!
Just holding our breath for December 16th, when we find out what Tier we'll be in for Christmas, as we were booked in with our local for both Christmas Day and Boxing Day!
Sadly, we're neither big fans of Christmas, as it's linked with quite a few deaths in the family, so like to go out to take our minds off it, so just hoping that Boris drops us to Tier 2, but I'm not holding my breathe!