Fabulous by Mick

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This brought a tear to my eye and Joy to my heart. One of my favourite pieces.


Posted 06 Nov 2013, 18:08 #1 

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Beethoven's ninth is one of my favourites as well. What a wonderfully novel approach :) Unfortunately one of the timps seemed a quarter tone sharp, probably as a result of the change of temperature / humidity. Never mind though, didn't spoil the overall effect :)

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Posted 06 Nov 2013, 18:48 #2 

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Enjoyed that Mick , all i have ever witnessed live in similar circumstances were panpipes in Shrewsbury, not quite the same !
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Planning is an unnatural process, much better to just get on with things, that way failure comes as a complete surprise instead of being preceeded by a period of worry and doubt

Posted 07 Nov 2013, 08:29 #3 

Thats an amazing coincidence!! I came across that last night and saved it!!!!

Posted 08 Nov 2013, 17:40 #4 

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It's a superb choral piece and brings shivers to my spine.

Now a bit of name dropping. ;)
Sometime ago I sang the bass part, in the original German text, at the Birmingham Symphony Hall with the CBSO and conductor Simon Halsey. One of the most memorable occasions in my life.

A bit of a shame that the piece has been hi-jacked by the leftie Euro mob as their anthem, Alle Menschen werden Brüder and all that
I don't like signatures, they take up too much screen space.

Posted 08 Nov 2013, 19:01 #5 

We have for years holidayed in Italy and Sicily. One of the remarkable differences in our culture is the custom of apparently ad hoc performances of outdoor music. Very young children seem to be able to rise to the challenge and are a triumph of early skills. Orchestras, choirs, soloists, all just do it and it’s a joy to see.

A common thread is that it is mainly what you might call disciplined ‘music of quality’ rather than self-indulgent doodling and the town squares are ideal arenas. The tall stone walls bounce the sound to give great presence and resonance which can give the illusion of detuned harmony, making it all the more pleasing. Next year, it’s Verona for the opera. Have to visit Moss Bros first though.

Posted 08 Nov 2013, 20:06 #6 

