Door line by zojosc

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I have had my 75 for about three years now and my eye have always been drawn to the line of the back door that seems to stick out about 1mm more than the rest of the car. I know the history of its previous four years as it belonged to a friend(infact I waited a year for him to spend 30grand on a Lexus) and it has never been bumped etc.
No one ever seemed to notice until I gave a lift to someone and when parked up they commented that they did'nt think they had shut the said door, so obviously others notice so how are they brought back in line and would it be best to go to a body shop?
"Keep Smilin'"

Posted 27 Aug 2010, 17:49 #1 

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Depends where it sticks out.

If it's mostly at the back edge, adjusting the striker (the bit that the door latch catches) should sort it.

Otherwise, it might mean tweaking the hinges too, but not sure how much of a job that is.

Posted 27 Aug 2010, 18:02 #2 

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Sounds like a nano meet job ;).

As said Door striker plate can adjust rear edge :)
Photobucket = Tossers


Posted 27 Aug 2010, 18:19 #3 

Last edited by takestock on 28 Aug 2010, 08:35, edited 1 time in total.

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Thanks lads, it is only at the back edge so must be the stiker plate thingy. Job for you Dave if I ever get to a nano. ;)
"Keep Smilin'"

Posted 28 Aug 2010, 06:16 #4 
