Another tale... dogged determination. by Raistlin

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Had a sentencing this morning of a dog owner who had pleaded guilty to allowing a dog to be dangerously out of control, in which the defendant's dog, a Staffordshire bull terrier, attacked a Spaniel, locking it's jaws on the other dog.

In his mitigation, the defence advocate explained what had been done to try and dissuade the SBT. Included in the list were:-

Bucket of cold water, kettle of hot water, kick in the testicles, swipe across the head with a batten, setting light to the testicles, lifting the dog off the ground by it's tail.. all to no avail

The Police arrived and added to the above list:-

Several strikes to the flanks with a Police batton, another kick in the testicles, THREE Taser strikes, tear-gas spray.

Apparently, it wasn't until the SBT saw another dog, that it decided to drop the Spaniel and make a dash for the second dog, a Bull Mastiff, at which point it was reined in by the owner, before it got near the potential second victim.

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

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Posted 11 Mar 2014, 19:33 #1 

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Where there's no sense......................

Posted 11 Mar 2014, 20:26 #2 

