Another tale... a bit close to home, literally by Raistlin

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A few weeks ago, a block of flats near where I live, sheltered accommodation for the elderly and vulnerable, had a fire. Nothing suspicious, the report indicated an electrical problem combined with inappropriate storage of rubbish. Some of the occupants were virtually unable to leave the building unaided unfortunately so you can imagine the chaos.

This afternoon I dealt with two Lithuanian immigrants who have only been in the UK for 8 months who were accused of theft.

They'd been monitoring the emergency service radio frequencies with a radios stolen from ESVs and when a major incident was declared they would drive over to the area and loiter, awaiting the opportunity the steal from any unattended emergency service vehicles, that is to say, for emphasis, Fire and Rescue, Ambulance and Police.

They were caught eventually after having been recognised by emergency service staff as having been present at locations where thefts occurred.

In the specific incident near my house, they'd had mobile phones, cash, a couple of charity collecting containers and various items of equipment from the attending vehicles.

They both gave guilty pleas and when asked why they'd chosen to target ESVs, one of them, the one could could speak a little English, shrugged his shoulders and said:-

"It was easy, like taking candy from a baby. In my country they would never leave their vehicles unattended. They deserve to lose stuff if they can't look after it. They should know people like us are going to take our chances. It has been a very good payday almost everytime."

Now, I have no problem with immigration and have been known to react badly to xenophobic comments and actions, of which I see a great deal in the Court.

In general, I think integration enriches a community, but there are some whom I would perhaps wish had never made it to our borders.

However, they both have previous for acquisitive offences so I trust that the sentencing Bench will consider custodial disposal and recommendations for deportation.

We have, in plain words, plenty of our home grown scum without importing them as well.

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

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Posted 16 Jul 2015, 16:57 #1 

The land of opportunity

That apart Mrs Lincoln, did you enjoy the play


Posted 16 Jul 2015, 18:47 #2 

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Yesterday these two were committed to the Crown Court for sentencing.

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

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Posted 24 Jul 2015, 18:05 #3 

