A Very Public Thank You by Mick

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(Site Admin)
Thank you to all members of the Community that have been gracious enough to donate to the Community funds.
We've never actively asked anybody for money to support the Community so to be the subject of such generosity of spirit is quite humbling.
Funds are solely used for the upkeep of the forum, for the first 2.5 years we had a free run thanks to the generosity of Dave AKA HBB for the hosting of the forum on his server. Six months ago the server was upgraded and as you may have noticed we have hardly had a glitch since. The new server was not a cheap option and we now pay a small amount monthly to help towards the costs.
We are now rapidly approaching 2000 registered members at the rate of 10+ per week, even taking into account friendly competition from the 2 newest MGR forums we go from strength to strength.
Once again thank you all for your continued support and for using the Community forum. Long may it continue.

Posted 08 Jun 2013, 18:53 #1 

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T'is a great place to be Mick :-)

Posted 08 Jun 2013, 19:36 #2 

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Tis a pleasure old bean....... Good god, i've actually started typing that now :em:
Photobucket = Tossers


Posted 08 Jun 2013, 21:10 #3 

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Borg Warner
Glad to be a part of it all.

Gary M.

Posted 09 Jun 2013, 08:25 #4 

takestock wrote:Tis a pleasure old bean....... Good god, i've actually started typing that now :em:

Its infectious ;)
I'm not quite right you know.........

Posted 09 Jun 2013, 09:11 #5 

User avatar
A good 'club', right attitude; well done.


Posted 09 Jun 2013, 10:25 #6 

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No harm in asking for help from time to time Mick - we do not need a tax disc holder or our name to be a different colour to make us feel welcome.
Ex-Longbridge track monkey.

Posted 09 Jun 2013, 10:55 #7 

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I like the ambiance here Mick :)

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

Click the image to go to Nano-Meet Website

Posted 09 Jun 2013, 11:12 #8 

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Why does Mick have an ambulance? :panic: :gmc:
Photobucket = Tossers


Posted 09 Jun 2013, 11:17 #9 

User avatar
no problems Mick,the day you start driving your Bentley to the nano meet is the day i might consider not subscribing !
Robs Pictures at :

Robs Car Gallery

click below to access nano website

Planning is an unnatural process, much better to just get on with things, that way failure comes as a complete surprise instead of being preceeded by a period of worry and doubt

Posted 11 Jun 2013, 12:46 #10 

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Bermudan 75
Trebor wrote:no problems Mick,the day you start driving your Bentley to the nano meet is the day i might consider not subscribing !

As opposed to Mick being chauffeur driven in his Bentley..... :lol:



Posted 11 Jun 2013, 16:10 #11 

User avatar
Trebor wrote:no problems Mick,the day you start driving your Bentley to the nano meet is the day i might consider not subscribing !

At least he don't turn up to the meets in a vauxhall cavalier like elsewhere ;)

Posted 11 Jun 2013, 16:49 #12 

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"Long may it continue"

:stirer: :cheers: For sure!!!!!!!

Posted 14 Jun 2013, 23:29 #13 

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(Site Admin)
Thanks, Mick, for keeping this nice place up and running. :thumbsup:

Posted 17 Jun 2013, 21:13 #14 

Last bumped by Mick on 17 Jun 2013, 21:13.

