A tale... by Raistlin

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Two things of note today in Court.

The first was a decision as to whether a defendant was fit to plead.

He had been produced six weeks ago charged with a minor sexual assault but had apparently demonstrated a potential lack of understanding and mental capacity to the extent that the Bench agreed with the duty solicitor that he might well be unfit to plead.

It came to us today to make a decision based upon psychiatric reports.

Upon close examination we concluded that it would not be safe to take a plea from the defendant and we recommended that the CPS should take a view, which, after consultation they did and the charge was dropped.

Extremely interesting as I've never before done one of those.

Likely to become more common though as we are seeing a distinct increase in defendants with a variety of mental problems :(

The second thing?

A young woman who was silly enough to take pictures in Court with her phone... without silencing the camera shutter sound :lol:

I asked her if she could read, to which she replied in the affirmative.

Straight down to the dungeons she went, with a look of distinct surprise when informed that she would be charged with contempt of Court.

I understand that she was put up before the Narey Court at approximately 17:50 where she was given the opportunity to expunge her contempt, which she apparently gladly did but was a little upset to find that her iPhone 5S had been seized.

Clearly, some people think that the notices plastered all over the entrance to Court don't apply to them :(

Just another day at the office.

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

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Posted 30 Sep 2014, 18:57 #1 

