A tale from the Court by Raistlin

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Yes, I'm still here :)

I was chairing the remand Court yesterday and the Police brought in a chap charged with dangerous driving.

In the main, UK drivers are very helpful to and forgiving of, emergency service vehicles with their "blues and twos" going.

Unfortunately, some drivers choose to take advantage of the "magic path" created.

The chap charged with dangerous driving is now very much aware that ESVs in this area are fitted with fore and aft CCTV cameras.

He tailed an ambulance through the city centre on a busy Friday afternoon during the rush hour and it is perfectly clear from the CCTV provided by the ambulance crew that by remaining dangerously close to the rear of the ambulance, he was able to pass through red lights, he thought, with impunity. Unfortunately, being that close to the ESV, he couldn't see ahead and on several occasions, when the ambulance had to slow down, the idiot nearly drove into the back.

In addition, his antics were not allowed for by other drivers who attempted to resume their journeys after the ambulance had passed only to find themselves in conflict with a car travelling at eye-watering speeds behind the ambulance, again being the cause of several near collisions.

His stupidity lasted for 14 minutes and I'd very much like to get the CCTV on YouTube as a reminder of the odd idiots we have on our roads.

The ambulance driver, in interview, stated that the passenger in the ambulance was in the throes of a major MI and that, had there been any delay, the outcome would probably have been fatal.

Faced with such evidence, the idiot pleaded guilty to dangerous driving and driving whilst disqualified and with no insurance and we remanded the defendant in custody to the Crown Court for sentencing based upon what we had seen on the CCTV and his previous record. He is on a suspended custodial sentence, handed down by the Crown Court, some 5 weeks ago, for the same sort of offence. With any luck, he'll go before the same Judge.

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

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Posted 24 May 2015, 14:52 #1 

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no common sense or respect whatsoever. :(
Photobucket = Tossers


Posted 24 May 2015, 15:34 #2 

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Borg Warner
Used to work with a paramedic, he related a tale once when travelling on the West Brom' Expressway he was being tail gated on his way to a call. As it happens they got stood down so eased off, chap need a new front ended as he hit the rather hard step at the rear of the ambulance.

I have a lot of time for Paramedics, they've saved my life twice now. Shouldn't have to put up with the example. My wife had to go to hospital in one last week, chemo side effects. I followed a few minutes later in the Battlecruiser, aka the ZT, at a steady but firm pace. I've heard of tales of relatives following ambulances with the sirens etc. on, what would be the police's and Court's stance on the drivers if they were court speeding under such circumstances Paul?

Gary M.

Posted 25 May 2015, 15:34 #3 

His record seems to prove that some people never learn.

That apart Mrs Lincoln, did you enjoy the play


Posted 25 May 2015, 16:47 #4 

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Borg Warner wrote: I've heard of tales of relatives following ambulances with the sirens etc. on, what would be the police's and Court's stance on the drivers if they were court speeding under such circumstances Paul?

I can't speak for the actions of individual Police officers Gary but I wouldn't be surprised if they got away with a telling off, providing the circumstances weren't dangerous.

Clearly, a cash machine, AKA scamera, would not exercise the same discretion.

If a case did get to Court, and I have dealt with many over the years, the offence is absolute with little or no chance of a defence. Clearly, the Court would consider the circumstances of the situation in arriving at a suitable sentence.

However, I have seen, on two occasions, the Crown Prosecutor stand up and "offer no evidence", which means the case would be dismissed. Contrary to popular opinion, the Judiciary and officers of the Court can and do demonstrate pragmatism ;)

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

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Posted 25 May 2015, 19:17 #5 

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PaulT wrote:His record seems to prove that some people never learn.

From some considerable experience I think I'd have to agree Paul. However, we live in hope, as they say :lol:

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

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Posted 25 May 2015, 19:19 #6 

