The Police had taken photographs of the injuries the woman was alleged to have inflicted on a bloke she said she didn't know. The injury consisted of a slight reddening of the skin on the bloke's hip.
The woman, unrepresented, pleaded guilty on the basis that the injuries were caused recklessly and not out of malice.
We heard the prosecution advocate outlining the circumstances and immediately called a halt to the proceedings. Explaining to the defendant that we were prepared to vacate the plea of guilty and strongly recommending that she consult with the duty solicitor.
30 minutes later she returned to Court, along with the duty solicitor, who is well known for being one of the sharpest and most effective advocates in the West Midlands.
He said "I'll happily take this case Your Worships, and my client will plead not guilty".
The CPS advocate immediately got to his feet and said "The crown applies to vacate this case Sir."
So what happened?
The defendant had been returning to her Mercedes, which apparently had powerfold type door mirrors which are extended with hydraulic assistance, a bit like some sort of mini boot struts, I suspect, when she operated the key fob and the injured party happened to be standing very close to her car with the near-side mirror hitting him on the hip / upper thigh area.
So those of you with powerfold mirrors - BEWARE

The CPS prosecutor responsible for the case was summoned to attend the Bench to explain