A tale from the Court by Raistlin

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As some of you may know, during a sentencing hearing, the defendant is expected to complete a "means form" detailing their financial income and outgoings, which the bench can then either accept (providing it isn't too outrageous) or reject in favour of a means enquiry.

There have been many complaints that the form doesn't allow for outgoings to be quantified "properly" and so, just over a year ago, we introduced a new form where there were no specific categories of outgoings and the defendant was left to enter details in order of priority.

This morning, the pilot scheme having been completed, the statistical analysis was made available to the Justices. Some interesting reading, even allowing for the old cliché "Lies, damned lies and statistics".

The total number of means forms in the sample was 6533.

The top five highest priority outgoings taking the whole sample overall were:-

Sky TV
Mobile phone
Mortgage payments

Those finding their way, overall, into the five lowest priorities were:-

Previous Court fines
Child maintenance
Council tax
Loan and credit card payments

I should, of course, be cynical and say that I'm not surprised but, truth to tell, I am surprised. That experience is so closely mirrored by statistical findings.

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

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Posted 13 Aug 2012, 19:13 #1 

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I'm shocked drugs and/or drink did not make the top 5 :)
Photobucket = Tossers


Posted 13 Aug 2012, 19:42 #2 

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(Site Admin)
Shall we have a poll? :lol: :lol:

Posted 13 Aug 2012, 19:45 #3 

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If it was me I think EBay would be up in my top 5

Posted 13 Aug 2012, 19:46 #4 

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raistlin wrote:The total number of means forms in the sample was 6533.

The top five highest priority outgoings taking the whole sample overall were:-

Sky TV
Mobile phone
Mortgage payments

Those finding their way, overall, into the five lowest priorities were:-

Previous Court fines
Child maintenance
Council tax
Loan and credit card payments

I should, of course, be cynical and say that I'm not surprised but, truth to tell, I am surprised. That experience is so closely mirrored by statistical findings.

The change in social capital and its effects have, over the past decade, been greatly impacted by technological development. The successful consistency of corporate values emblazened across TV and other media typically reflects in the first four value criteria on the list Paul. The 5th is an essential good, as it houses the prior 4.

In demographic terms. 'Rent' & Council Tax would expectantly be in the latter category. The conspicuous juxta-position of these factors with the top four prime values majoritarily suggests unemployed C2-C3 respondents, where both items are the responsibility of the State anyway.

This demography is set to broaden as it's elasticity widens with the diminution of previously held 'core' social values and ever increasing unemployment accelarating crime and collective conflagration.

Posted 14 Aug 2012, 16:41 #5 

Dave Goody
Totally agree Martin :-D

Posted 15 Aug 2012, 16:56 #6 

