iPad Nas and FTP by Mad-Monkey

Hope everyone had a good christmas!

I'm trying to set up my iPad to download files from my NAS. I downloaded the app iStorage which said you could setup FTP and download etc... but I can't get the iPad to connect, well I can connect but not authorise. It just stays on Authorising forever.

I have a Synology DS210J. Reading up on google I could have used the Synology apps but the iStorage app seemed more versatile. Just can't get it to authorise. Anyone had any experience with it?


Posted 29 Dec 2011, 11:03 #1 

Ok within 20secs of posting this I've done part of it! Typical.

Seems you can not access individual user accounts, but log in only as the Administrator. Any ideas to do user accounts?

Posted 29 Dec 2011, 11:06 #2 

Ok even better, I've solved it entirely! Waste of a thread now :)

To access individual user accounts instead of putting the path name, pop in the NAS IP and just the username and password needed. When you connect it only shows what that user has access to. As I had setup folders I was trying to access the folders direct, but you can't.

Posted 29 Dec 2011, 11:10 #3 

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Glad the forums could help ;)

Posted 29 Dec 2011, 13:27 #4 

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Not one person offered to help throughout the whole 7 minutes. Shame on us all. :)

It could still turn out to be the only help another user needs so..as it contains the problem and the resolution the thread is not a waste. (yet)

Posted 29 Dec 2011, 13:56 #5 

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I have an I pad and apple don't make some things easy although the I pad itself is awesome, I have no experience of what David is doing but spent a lot of time working out how to upload photos without deleting the previous downloaded ones at the same time
Robs Pictures at :

Robs Car Gallery

click below to access nano website

Planning is an unnatural process, much better to just get on with things, that way failure comes as a complete surprise instead of being preceeded by a period of worry and doubt

Posted 29 Dec 2011, 14:47 #6 

Some of the Menus do seem rather clumsy at first but as soon as you know where you are and what you doing it does seem quite fluid.

Rob my initial idea was to access my mp3's off a NAS device without iTunes. Although I can download them it doesn't utilise the iPod function on the iPad. However iStorage has an inbuilt player to play them, but then you have to keep the App open all the time.

It does allow me to pull off word, excel documents and view them, and save them to the iPad. I can also download email attachments and files off the net, then attach to email or upload to DropBox or back to the FTP server. I wanted to use my iPad for sheet music so now I can find music online, download, upload to DropBox and import straight into ForScore. It sounds quite lengthy but I can do it without a PC now. I only have iTunes on the one PC as it kills the laptop all the time.

Posted 29 Dec 2011, 15:07 #7 

Last edited by Mad-Monkey on 29 Dec 2011, 15:33, edited 1 time in total.

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Try out the free music video app Vevo David, HD quality and lots of choice
Robs Pictures at :

Robs Car Gallery

click below to access nano website

Planning is an unnatural process, much better to just get on with things, that way failure comes as a complete surprise instead of being preceeded by a period of worry and doubt

Posted 29 Dec 2011, 15:14 #8 

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err.... turn it off and turn it on again :confused:
Photobucket = Tossers


Posted 29 Dec 2011, 17:59 #9 

