What an achievement..... by stevemac

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http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-envir ... WEET186037 Real "out of the box thinking". A brilliant engineering feat. Now the Science begins.
People call me average, but I think that's mean!
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish.

Posted 06 Aug 2012, 05:54 #1 

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Be interesting to see the HQ pictures when there start feeding them back. 

Posted 06 Aug 2012, 06:23 #2 

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Ahhh, but has it really . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Posted 06 Aug 2012, 13:32 #3 

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Obama wants a manned mission as well.

Good idea but I wonder how he'll pay for it.

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

Click the image to go to Nano-Meet Website

Posted 06 Aug 2012, 13:33 #4 

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raistlin wrote:Good idea but I wonder how he'll pay for it.

Selling tickets might be one option ... :mrgreen:

I doubt the budget of the NASA will fund such a mission anytime soon. But who knows, maybe a race between the US and China could speed things up (and debts, too).

Posted 06 Aug 2012, 14:17 #5 

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Jürgen wrote: maybe a race between the US and China could speed things up (and debts, too).

Jürgen, you're such a cynic that you'd make a good Brit :lol:

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

Click the image to go to Nano-Meet Website

Posted 06 Aug 2012, 14:28 #6 

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Tourerfogey wrote:Ahhh, but has it really . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

That's what I always wonder too! :D

Posted 06 Aug 2012, 16:16 #7 

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Dave wrote:
Tourerfogey wrote:Ahhh, but has it really . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

That's what I always wonder too! :D

Shall we have a look for ourselves? :lol:

Posted 06 Aug 2012, 17:41 #8 

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raistlin wrote:Obama wants a manned mission as well.

From the man that cancelled the Space Shuttle!

The only reason he's saying this, is because there's an Election coming!

If the American public are stupid enough to re-elect him, it will be conveniently forgotten about, after the Election!

Posted 06 Aug 2012, 17:44 #9 

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Bermudan 75
Perhaps the American public will see the light and send Obama to Mars.

Posted 06 Aug 2012, 20:05 #10 

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Can we get him to take Cameron, Blair and all the other "professional" MPs at the same time. Must be one way only though.

Posted 06 Aug 2012, 20:21 #11 

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Bermudan 75
Of course the vehicle in question just had to be a Rover :thumbsup:

Posted 06 Aug 2012, 20:46 #12 

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What else would be up to the job :hail: :gmc:

Posted 06 Aug 2012, 22:35 #13 

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Rover418275 wrote:Of course the vehicle in question just had to be a Rover :thumbsup:

A Rover that has had $2.5 billion spent on it. Not sure that even that amount would get a 1.8 to last the 98 months that Curiosity has to run for.
People call me average, but I think that's mean!
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish.

Posted 07 Aug 2012, 08:09 #14 

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Jürgen wrote:
raistlin wrote:Good idea but I wonder how he'll pay for it.

Selling tickets might be one option ... :mrgreen:

I doubt the budget of the NASA will fund such a mission anytime soon. But who knows, maybe a race between the US and China could speed things up (and debts, too).

The estimate cost of a manned mission is around the $100 billion mark. No single country could afford that. A joint "World" project like the construction of the LHC could do it. The main issues are engineering ones. Lets boldly go!
People call me average, but I think that's mean!
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish.

Posted 07 Aug 2012, 08:14 #15 

A fantastic result,we have been following the NASA feed since launch,if you have the time watch this...................
http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b0 ... n_to_Mars/
seems easier than getting Athletics Tickets at the moment!

Posted 07 Aug 2012, 21:35 #16 

