Why are some people not nice by Thomas 75 connie (Page 1 of 2)

Thomas 75 connie
Hi guys just thought I'd share this. I've been watching some videos on YouTube and someone writes about this and that being wrong and how long it takes to fix. I just say that those times can be done quicker and easier than he said. He also said these cars are to make a certain person rich. I said that he's a honest bloke and then the person called me a cock.there's no need for that really and it's would destroying that someone who is part of the community/club would like to be like that. Now I havnt got any problems against anyone and am an easy going person but there are people like the person I'm writing about that I don't have any time for. Sorry for the rant just had to get it off my chest

Posted 08 Feb 2011, 23:08 #1 

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I do appreciate that some people are, shall we say, less than diplomatic. Best to just let it go mate, we can't get on with everybody all the time, more's the pity.

Posted 08 Feb 2011, 23:31 #2 

Thomas 75 connie
True i think its best as you said to let it go.

Posted 08 Feb 2011, 23:34 #3 

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Thomas 75 connie: The person called me a cock.
I wouldn't rise to it, lol. :scared:

Posted 09 Feb 2011, 00:46 #4 

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>>>The person called me a cock<<<

Awwww......... Come to a meeting Thomas we can come up with much better insults than that.. :o :D :lol:

Posted 09 Feb 2011, 03:32 #5 

Thomas 75 connie
Cheers James I feel so privaliged :D . I just thought the person must be a bit of an idiot since all I gave him was curtousy. Don't worry it doesn't bother me face to face James. :D

Posted 09 Feb 2011, 06:31 #6 

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James.uk wrote:>>>The person called me a cock<<<

Awwww......... Come to a meeting Thomas we can come up with much better insults than that.. :o :D :lol:

:clap: :clap: :clap:
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Posted 09 Feb 2011, 07:24 #7 

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There are unfortunately more and more like that around.

Just remember, there are also friendly people aound, and while we may (and do) disagree, it tends not to get personal. Those are the people you should have time for, and have no time for the others. Leave them to drive others away from themselves.

I can only assume this happened in another place, are there's no evidence of this nastiness over in this friendly forum, unless I missed it.

Posted 09 Feb 2011, 08:04 #8 

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Duncan wrote:There are unfortunately more and more like that around.

I can only assume this happened in another place, are there's no evidence of this nastiness over in this friendly forum, unless I missed it.

Well said cock! :D
"Keep Smilin'"

Posted 09 Feb 2011, 08:17 #9 

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That's life unfortunately.....Some people are like that, ignorant and stupid. Don't let it worry you mate just rise above it.

MGZT 190+

Posted 09 Feb 2011, 12:37 #10 

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On this forum we can all take the piss out of each other and it's accepted in good humour. Also we can all have contrary opinions and the matter will be discussed.

When someone elsewhere retaliates by calling you a cock it just indicates that they lack the brains to discuss things in a constructive manner. If you'd been discussing something with this person face to face he probably would have just thumped you for disagreeing with him. Unfortunately, there's a lot of that type about these days.

Posted 09 Feb 2011, 14:25 #11 

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Gren 24
Perhaps is brain is like his C----.Small and mushy with nothing in it.That kind of person just needs to be ignored.

Or sticks and stones may break my bones,but names will never hurt me.

Posted 09 Feb 2011, 17:49 #12 

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Tourerfogey wrote:If you'd been discussing something with this person face to face he probably would have just thumped you for disagreeing with him.

I know what you mean Basil but my experience suggests that keyboard warriors tend to be pussycats when face to face. I mean to say that I've had some pretty rum comments made to me in online fora but when meeting the individuals face to face they are either charming or seem to have nothing to say. :)

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

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Posted 09 Feb 2011, 19:47 #13 

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I am not a nice person evidently at the moment especially at the Doctors at Hospital.Image

"My lovely car now sold onto a very happy new owner.
I still love this marque and I will still be around, preferred selling to breaking, as a great runner and performer"

Posted 09 Feb 2011, 19:50 #14 

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raistlin wrote:
Tourerfogey wrote:If you'd been discussing something with this person face to face he probably would have just thumped you for disagreeing with him.

I know what you mean Basil but my experience suggests that keyboard warriors tend to be pussycats when face to face. I mean to say that I've had some pretty rum comments made to me in online fora but when meeting the individuals face to face they are either charming or seem to have nothing to say. :)

Ah yes, the Keyboard Coward Syndrome . . .

Posted 09 Feb 2011, 19:52 #15 

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Some of us are just complete bar stools online and in real life...

Never called anyone a cock though... :confused:

Posted 09 Feb 2011, 21:05 #16 

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In some places, it's a term of endearment:

as in 'watcha cock!' (I think it means what are you doing my friend?)

Posted 09 Feb 2011, 21:42 #17 

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Tourerfogey wrote:

Ah yes, the Keyboard Coward Syndrome . . .

Related to the Telephone Hero I presume
Photobucket = Tossers


Posted 09 Feb 2011, 21:44 #18 

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(Site Admin)
Watcha me old cock Sparrer, Translation - hello my friend, quite why I cannot say but it's cockney slang (not rhyming) has probably been in use for a few hundred years and still is in some circles.

Posted 09 Feb 2011, 21:52 #19 

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Mick wrote:Watcha me old cock Sparrer, Translation - hello my friend, quite why I cannot say but it's cockney slang (not rhyming) has probably been in use for a few hundred years and still is in some circles.

Right, got it and done some digging.

Apparently sparrows were so common, and chirpy little things, that it means a jolly. Also it rhymes cock sparrrow with barrow, and again the link with Jolly barrow boys of Cockney origin.

At least if t'internet is to be believed.

So actually, the OP was being complemented on his jollity and perky demeanour......

Posted 09 Feb 2011, 21:58 #20 
