I recently changed our energy supplier from Co-op to British Gas.
Yesterday, I received my "final" bill from Co-op to the valuer of £342.32. Being somewhat proactive, I'd done a rough calculation and estimated that I'd owe them just less than £100 so the bill presented was cause for concern.
Eventually, I managed to track down on their website the make-up of the bill. I have to say that they hadn't made it easy. Certainly nowhere near as easy as the "PAY NOW" link which appeared everywhere like a rash.
So, having found the breakdown of the bill, it became immediately obvious that the meter readings were wildly inaccurate and, mirabile dictu, were based upon estimated readings, even though, as part of the transfer procedure, I'd had to include meter readings taken on a specific date.
Now, I had a record of the readings which were sent to my new supplier, British Gas and, being British Gas, I immediately assumed them to be at fault
I was wrong.
I actually managed to speak to a British Gas customer service rep late yesterday afternoon and I was assured that the proper readings had been passed on. Specifically, one company CANNOT transfer a customer without reporting the meter readings to the old supplier, so the readings must have been passed on. The customer services rep then told me of one or two horror stories of the same ilk connected with Co-op and one or two others. I'm not that naive, I imagine British Gas are not squeaky clean in this respect but it just goes to show that one cannot trust any company anymore. They're all out to rip us off.
I imagine that a great many people just pay the final bill without query and it makes me wonder how much is being made by methods such as this.
I await a reply from Co-operative Energy.
Yesterday, I received my "final" bill from Co-op to the valuer of £342.32. Being somewhat proactive, I'd done a rough calculation and estimated that I'd owe them just less than £100 so the bill presented was cause for concern.
Eventually, I managed to track down on their website the make-up of the bill. I have to say that they hadn't made it easy. Certainly nowhere near as easy as the "PAY NOW" link which appeared everywhere like a rash.
So, having found the breakdown of the bill, it became immediately obvious that the meter readings were wildly inaccurate and, mirabile dictu, were based upon estimated readings, even though, as part of the transfer procedure, I'd had to include meter readings taken on a specific date.
Now, I had a record of the readings which were sent to my new supplier, British Gas and, being British Gas, I immediately assumed them to be at fault

I actually managed to speak to a British Gas customer service rep late yesterday afternoon and I was assured that the proper readings had been passed on. Specifically, one company CANNOT transfer a customer without reporting the meter readings to the old supplier, so the readings must have been passed on. The customer services rep then told me of one or two horror stories of the same ilk connected with Co-op and one or two others. I'm not that naive, I imagine British Gas are not squeaky clean in this respect but it just goes to show that one cannot trust any company anymore. They're all out to rip us off.
I imagine that a great many people just pay the final bill without query and it makes me wonder how much is being made by methods such as this.
I await a reply from Co-operative Energy.