Technology comes to Raistlin's house by Raistlin

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I have SWMBO's permission to relate a story from this morning.

We have a new cordless strimmer with "Lithium Battery Technology", the upshot of which is that if you recharge the battery after using the strimmer, the charge will remain so that it can be used again the next week.

SWMBO is a little wary of technology but had to agree that it did a good job and was so much easier than dragging the corded version around.

I showed her how to remove the battery, put it on charge and then disconnect it when the charger LED (Light Emitting Diode) changed from red to green, suggesting the battery could be left by the charger so we both knew where it was.

Anyway, this morning, the back garden had been finished while I was engrossed in replacing skirting boards in the dining room and as I stopped for a break noticed the corded strimmer was out.

Enquiring, I was met with some very uncomplimentary comments about the new strimmer's battery life and also my obvious misinterpretation of the instruction manual in asserting that the battery would maintain charge over the period of one week.

I was concerned because I'm well aware of the capabilities of a decent Lithium battery and asked SWMBO to demonstrate what she had done.

"You told me to push in the little red button and then push the big red button and it would work" I agreed, that was indeed what I had said. She then demonstrated that the reverse was true and that nothing happened at all. It was at this point that I asked when she had fitted the battery to the strimmer.

After a second or two of stunned silence she said "You didn't tell me I had to put the battery back in to the strimmer"

"Anyway, I still think it won't work" she said, grabbing the battery and ramming it home in the housing. Pressing the buttons caused the strimmer to whizz into life.

"...but she does make exceedingly good mince pies." It had to be said and I knew I would regret saying it... silly me :lol:

One - nil to technology I think :lol:

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

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Posted 02 Jun 2013, 10:50 #1 

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I do love stories like this.

I think we have all made the same sort of mistake at some time.

And yes the mince pies are lovely :)

Posted 02 Jun 2013, 12:14 #2 

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I applaud Marion on her exceptionally positive and upbeat view of the latest technology's capabilities - to the point of expecting it to work sans power! :-D

Posted 02 Jun 2013, 12:15 #3 

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The downside to this of course, is that I'm bound to make a mistake in the very near future, maybe like the last one when I dutifully fed various articles of clothing into the washer... the dish washer :lol:

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

Click the image to go to Nano-Meet Website

Posted 02 Jun 2013, 13:43 #4 

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Bermudan 75
....but how are you at making mince pies Paul? :lol:

Posted 02 Jun 2013, 21:56 #5 
