Sonic Boom by Borg Warner

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Borg Warner
I didn't hear it myself but a couple of field engineers called in and said they'd heard it:

Wonder if the pilot had a smile on his face when he was given the nod?

Lucky so and so. Best job in the world?

Gary M

Posted 16 Jun 2013, 20:44 #1 

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I remember a Lightning going supersonic at low level many years ago at an air display at RAF Acklington. Something I've never forgotten and I doubt I ever will :)

Mind you, now that I understand the science behind sonic booms, I can hardly be surprised that they are so spectacular :lol:

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

Click the image to go to Nano-Meet Website

Posted 16 Jun 2013, 21:24 #2 

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Borg Warner
Colleague used to live near to RAF Wattisham when he was a lad. He remembers the Phantoms being scrambled on a regular basis to "escort" the Russian bombers during the Cold War. He seems to think that they went supersonic quite quickly after take-off?

Does the dis-claimer in car insurance still apply? Not covering damage caused by sonic booms???

Gary M.

Posted 17 Jun 2013, 11:04 #3 

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There used to be a lot of worry about Concorde and the damage it might do. My Dad was involved in some research many years ago, where they put instrumentation into York Minster while Concorde went past Supersonic. I'll be honest I was too young to remember what if anything was found, but I don't think Concorde was allowed to go Supersonic until out at sea.

EDIT: It may well have been Truro Cathedral rather than York Minster. I was very young, then!

Posted 17 Jun 2013, 17:13 #4 

Last edited by Duncan on 17 Jun 2013, 17:32, edited 1 time in total.

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Bermudan 75
Concorde had 'corridors' in which it could go supersonic, these were over the sea.



Posted 17 Jun 2013, 17:22 #5 

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Supersonic flypasts were a regular event at airshows years back. It's something never to be forgotten especially when I was at Farnborough in 1952 when the DH110 broke up.
I don't like signatures, they take up too much screen space.

Posted 17 Jun 2013, 17:35 #6 

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I heard it and felt the ground shake under my feet both me and my neighbour thought it was an explosion at first.
Ex-Longbridge track monkey.

Posted 17 Jun 2013, 17:54 #7 

