More aviation by Raistlin

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Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

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Posted 15 Nov 2011, 19:13 #1 

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So it's a good bargain. We must be giving them away then. I suppose the government know what they're doing (hmmm my cheek feels good on the tip of my tongue). Perhaps you can't utilise a Harrier against the enemy within.

I blame the Osbournes (well one of them) for our demise...him and his handlers.

Having Government & Co.Ltd. behind the making of these decisions means they only have to be favourable to Government&Co's shareholders. The rest of us are generally tax-income fodder and only of interest to "the company" when they require us to tick their square. We even have US/Mexico style "Welcome in there's no-one left to stop you" borders.

I bet they know all the best dodges at tax bill time too, individually and collectively.

(sheesh, already I sound like an unemployed person)

Posted 15 Nov 2011, 21:12 #2 

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Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

Click the image to go to Nano-Meet Website

Posted 16 Nov 2011, 06:36 #3 

It was a total knee jerk reaction to the problem. I am sure that Argentina are thinking that the door is now wide open to invade the Falklands

The Harrier IIs, built between 1980 and 1995, "are still quite serviceable," he said. "The aircraft are not that far apart. We're taking advantage of all the money the Brits have spent on them. It's like we're buying a car with maybe 15,000 miles on it."

the Yanks must be having a very big snigger - especially as they now expect to keep the Harrier flying until 2025. No doubt by then we will have been involved in a number of military aiorcraft projects whose budgets increase dramatically and delivery dates get pushed far in to the distance.

Luckily we have a number of aircraft museums so those planes can be made airworthy again and the Battle of Britain flight has a Lancaster, Spitfire and Hurricane and there is the Vulcan bomber so we will be alright

That apart Mrs Lincoln, did you enjoy the play


Posted 16 Nov 2011, 07:34 #4 

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Bermudan 75
Don't forget the VC10!

Posted 16 Nov 2011, 09:27 #5 

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raistlin wrote:And there's more :(

Do you get the impression that the 'gumment&' consists of a large number of headless suits running around being impressed by their own job title and wondering how they got there?
The teenyweeny top peak of the tip of the visible iceberg is written on your local fuel pump in cost per litre format.

At least they've added me to the unemployed numbers and I've tipped the figure over 2.62 million. Rest assured I'll be delving into my savings for quite some time before I qualify for housing/poll tax relief benefit. i knew I should have squandered it (almost joking).

Posted 16 Nov 2011, 11:46 #6 

The heads of the armed services must be absolutely aghast.

As for the VC10 well that is still flying so can be sold off to antoehr country.

That apart Mrs Lincoln, did you enjoy the play


Posted 16 Nov 2011, 12:00 #7 

Good old forward thinking,perhaps we will now have to spend a fortune on American fighters to go on our new carriers...........when we get them.

Posted 16 Nov 2011, 16:30 #8 
