Mellow by Zeb (Page 30 of 32)

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Have taken tonight to clear out my emails, as I've said I'd do it and kept putting it off.

Sadly ran out of beer, which I fear is perhaps even a crime in Bavaria, but I've got some Johnnie Walker red in the Fridge from Xmas, so having some of that instead!

Posted 06 Jul 2012, 23:28 #581 

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Running out of beer in Bavaria? :panic:

So the hell must be freezing over ... :evil:

Posted 07 Jul 2012, 12:58 #582 

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Bermudan 75
......not only that Jake is keeping his bottle of Johnnie Walker in the fridge :shock:

Posted 07 Jul 2012, 16:53 #583 

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Shrugs his shoulders, shakes his head and walks away......

Posted 07 Jul 2012, 17:14 #584 

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As long as it's Whiskey, I don't care. But if he dares to put our Whisky into the fridge, then ... :mrgreen:

Posted 07 Jul 2012, 17:30 #585 

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Well Red Label isn't Whiskey, but I'd say it's whisky rather than Whisky. I suppose given his relative youth, he could be forgiven.

Posted 09 Jul 2012, 21:15 #586 

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Can't stand cheap blended Scotch, threw up too many times as a kid, thinking it was cool to drink the stuff. Even the smell makes me feel ill.

Now then a decent drop of Whiskey, Jamesons, has a certain je ne c'est quoi. So I'm going to treat myself to a minuscule tot. :)

Posted 09 Jul 2012, 21:45 #587 

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I feel such a yobbo with me Strongbow... :-?

But...needs must when the devil drives.. :cheers:

Posted 09 Jul 2012, 21:56 #588 

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Oh dear, bumped into a bottle of very old Calvados on route to the Jamesons. Much preferred. :)

Posted 09 Jul 2012, 22:00 #589 

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Now it's time for a Highland Park, me thinks ...

Posted 09 Jul 2012, 22:45 #590 

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Just stopping for a relaxing beer before I think about going to bed as I'm up at 3am to drive 430 miles up to Fife in Scotland.

Posted 03 Aug 2012, 21:06 #591 

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I am enjoying a single malt here in the corner, watching the comings and goings. The malt was given to me as a pressie by my good friend Steve. :)
cheers Steve :)
Photobucket = Tossers


Posted 03 Aug 2012, 21:51 #592 

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Have a good night and a safe trip for you all tomorrow.

Posted 03 Aug 2012, 22:11 #593 

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Just about coming to the end of the Glenfidich... time to open the Glenmorangie :D

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

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Posted 03 Aug 2012, 22:26 #594 

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It's the middle of the afternoon but already a trip to mellow land is required.

Colleague at work collapsed with stomach pains not so long ago so you can imagine all panic broke loose in sorting him out and getting him off to hospital.

A stressful hour or so just passed. Now I've got a baked potato with cheese and beans for lunch so trying to just relax a bit and unwind before going back to work.

Posted 04 Aug 2012, 14:17 #595 

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I'm just coming round from just over half a bottle of Aberlour 10yr old single malt last night. good lord what a smooth little thing it is too. Seemingly I actually left the fridge door open all night after looking for a midnight feast.......:o :o The chicken in the fridge is now designated as cat food because of me and I have to buy Pizzas for tea :confused:
Photobucket = Tossers


Posted 04 Aug 2012, 16:56 #596 

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Says the man who commented on someone drinking shots the other weekend......

Posted 04 Aug 2012, 17:23 #597 

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Not been a good day, so, unusually for me, I'm investigating the effect of Glenmorangie on stress levels. and not just because I like the taste.

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

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Posted 06 Aug 2012, 22:10 #598 

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Don't blame you at all and is it helping on your mellowness?

Posted 06 Aug 2012, 22:33 #599 

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MN190 wrote: is it helping on your mellowness?

First results are encouraging, but I feel that there is a need for further investigation :)

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

Click the image to go to Nano-Meet Website

Posted 06 Aug 2012, 22:43 #600 

