low line sat nav and info pack by chrisp955

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Hi i owned a zt160 for a few weeks and been looking round at a few mods.My dash is stranded and i would like to fit a info pack and low line satnav as the radio has the blank in place for the controls..dose the satnav have the info pack in it.or do i need the two items? also do i need the disc unit in the boot to take the satnav disc like the hi line...Has any one got this fitted as i have not seen a working one yet so im wondering if it is worth the hassle and dose it show a map like a normal satnav. Or should i just fit, the info pack??
thanks for any info chris :? :?

Posted 08 Dec 2010, 18:06 #1 

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Bermudan 75
Hi Chris,

By info pack I think you mean Message Centre as you saw in my car on Sunday. To fit a Message Centre, this is in fact a different IPK (Instrument pack (IPK from the German)) to the one in your car. Les at SMC usually has these in stock. In addition you will need an indicator stalk with the IPK / Message Centre switch. Fitting the new IPK will require a T4 (Testbook version 4.Computer Diagnostic System) session.

As for the Rover sat nav systems, I don't have either of these so I can't help, but I am sure someone will be along who can.



Posted 08 Dec 2010, 18:35 #2 

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Yes, I've fitted one.

You need the new message centre instrument pack as mentioned. You also need the correct CD unit for the boot, plus bracket and maybe GPS module (depends on the satnav version). You also need a loudspeaker for the commands, a GPS antenna, and the wiring to link it all together which is no small thing.

Is it worth it? Depends. I like it as it keeps the car original. There is no map display, just icons that show you the junction layouts, and spoken instructions. Perfectly easy to navigate by. In some ways it's better than the hiline, as the map can be distracting, when all you really need is to see a picture of the junction you are at.

You also need to be aware, that depending on the age of your car, some of the basic wiring might be missing. This is a pain in the whotsit to retrofit.

Posted 08 Dec 2010, 19:18 #3 

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Les at SMC Trading did have the Lo Line Sat Nav computers, and maybe other parts required
I have discs, but as said a real pain to fit,
or you coulkd go for Hi Line Sat Nav MK4 and Wide-screen a lot of money but looks good.

"My lovely car now sold onto a very happy new owner.
I still love this marque and I will still be around, preferred selling to breaking, as a great runner and performer"

Posted 09 Dec 2010, 15:36 #4 

Thanks for the info.After a bit of thought i am going to leave the sat nav and just go for the message center.I am also booking the car into Hornerns next week for a session on their T4 the nice man on the phone said he will unlock some features and give me a report on the car. :thumbsup:

Posted 10 Dec 2010, 20:54 #5 

