It must be my age by Raistlin

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I was on my way out of the Sainsburys filling station this afternoon when, discretion being the better part of valour, I stopped to avoid a collision with a Vectra being somewhat inexpertly manoeuvred by a young chap who was more intent on looking at his passenger than what was happening around him. In fact, it was his passenger who eventually pointed out the big silver Jaguar to his immediate right.

Rather than a polite acknowledgement, I got a single finger salute and some presumably apposite invective, which went unheard because our windows were closed. He then proceeded, in a most inelegant manner, to position his car in the tyre bay and I decided that this was an opportunity to have a bit of a larf because there was ample room for me to park without blocking any other traffic.

SWMBO issued me with an unequivocal "Gypsy's Warning", and snorted her derision when I made it clear that I wasn't looking for trouble. In fact I genuinely wasn't looking for trouble, being close to getting my bus pass and not being as fit as I used to be, I tend to avoid physical confrontation these days.

So it was with a gentle smile that I approached Mister Stroppy and asked the reason for the unnecessarily aggressive attitude.

You might be as shocked as I was to hear that my mild and somewhat conciliatory approach was met with further bluster and expletives.

Once he stopped for breath I said "Well then sunny-jim, this is your lucky day. Personally I'd be quite content to drag you out of your car and rip your %*&$£ing head off, but my Wife says I mustn't because it would make a mess."

Somewhat shocked at my own temerity, I looked into his face and saw that my comment had had the desired effect. The blood drained from his face and he didn't say another word. Meanwhile his back seat passenger was roaring with laughter, his front seat passenger was trying hard to be invisible.

Pressing home my advantage, I said, in my best "Hale and Pace" intimidatory tone, "Lets hope I don't see you again in the near future" and got back in my car, expecting to receive a judicially admonitory ear-bashing from SWMBO, which turned out to be... "Do you HAVE to swear like that?" :lol:

Now those of you who know me will be aware that I am the mildest of men, slow to anger and never one to start a fight, but in this case I was just concerned to make it clear that, as a grey haired, bearded old git, I should not be expected to allow that sort of behaviour to go unchallenged. :roll:

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

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Posted 25 Oct 2015, 15:42 #1 

and at some time in the future you may be able to look down on him and say 'remember me'.

That apart Mrs Lincoln, did you enjoy the play


Posted 25 Oct 2015, 19:55 #2 

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Bermudan 75
PaulT wrote:and at some time in the future you may be able to look down on him and say 'remember me'.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted 26 Oct 2015, 11:48 #3 

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PaulT wrote:and at some time in the future you may be able to look down on him and say 'remember me'.

I hope not because what I did was as stupid as his actions.

I did enjoy myself though ;)

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

Click the image to go to Nano-Meet Website

Posted 26 Oct 2015, 17:20 #4 

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Borg Warner
I think such people do not expect to be confronted and when they are they don't know how to react.

Gary M.

Posted 26 Oct 2015, 19:46 #5 

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Borg Warner wrote:I think such people do not expect to be confronted and when they are they don't know how to react.

Certainly not by a bolshie grey haired old git :lol:

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

Click the image to go to Nano-Meet Website

Posted 26 Oct 2015, 19:49 #6 

The geriatric fight back has begun!

That apart Mrs Lincoln, did you enjoy the play


Posted 26 Oct 2015, 20:29 #7 

Dave Goody
I am a volunteer and committee member for a group which looks after 30 acres of parish owned nature reserve in our village. It is situated next to a playing field where kids play football [kids 12-16] After playing football they tend to relax in a picnic area where there are benches for anybody to relax. Sadly they leave a trail of crisp pkts, bottles, cans, etc within 3 metres of a bin. Having been asked very pleasantly to deposit said litter in the bin they now think it a laugh to tear up the litter into small pieces to make it more difficult for picking up when I walk my dog over there 2-3 times a day. The school summer holiday have been a pain. Last week I walked past the goal posts in the playing field where the kids were playing and had piled up their bags of sweets,drinks, clothes at the bottom of a goal post. My dog wandered over to the post and proceeded to relieve himself over the post and said items. One of the kids shouted "hey how would you like a dog peeing over your stuff"? I suggested he go home and google 2 words "Poetic Justice" and went on my way smiling

Posted 27 Oct 2015, 14:28 #8 
