I got some Powerfolds - YAY !! by carlpenn

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Tonight I collected my new Powerfolds, so very pleased, cannot wait to get them fitted.

I bought them from Woolleysox / Rob, so would just like to say a big thank you to him on here for letting me have them :)

What a very nice chap he is too, haven't met him to talk to before.

Hopefully I didn't waffle you into the ground Rob, I have a bad habit of waffling :P

Oh, By the way, I found my Way off the Estate Rob ha ha!!

Fitted Electric Memory Seat, Leather Cubby Lid, Wood Dash, Message Centre.

Posted 21 Dec 2012, 21:32 #1 

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Have you got your looms sorted Carl?

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

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Posted 21 Dec 2012, 21:45 #2 

Good Morning Paul, I am not sure if the Car has the loom or not yet. If I get chance today and it stops raining for five minutes, I will have a rummage. I have found that the Car already had a Factory fitted loom for the parking sensors, so fingers crossed I may be lucky, It is a Connoisseur so I guess there is a small chance :)

Will let you know :)

Fitted Electric Memory Seat, Leather Cubby Lid, Wood Dash, Message Centre.

Posted 22 Dec 2012, 07:42 #3 

Hi Paul.

Had a look and cannot see what I think the Loom connector points would be, there are two empty pins on the forward Socket and one empty pin on the rear socket? I am sure I read somewhere that if there was empty Pins in those connectors, then there was no connection for Powerfolds, but not 100% if I am right.


Carl. :)

Fitted Electric Memory Seat, Leather Cubby Lid, Wood Dash, Message Centre.

Posted 22 Dec 2012, 14:31 #4 

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The two blank receptacles together would be populated if you had the loom Carl

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

Click the image to go to Nano-Meet Website

Posted 22 Dec 2012, 14:46 #5 

raistlin wrote:The two blank receptacles together would be populated if you had the loom Carl

Thank You Paul. In that case, the Car doesn't have a Loom, so I will need to sort one out.

Fitted Electric Memory Seat, Leather Cubby Lid, Wood Dash, Message Centre.

Posted 22 Dec 2012, 18:49 #6 

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I can take care of that for you Carl.

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

Click the image to go to Nano-Meet Website

Posted 22 Dec 2012, 18:54 #7 

raistlin wrote:I can take care of that for you Carl.

That would be very nice Paul, Can you please let me know how much etc I will get it sorted. Thank you :)

Fitted Electric Memory Seat, Leather Cubby Lid, Wood Dash, Message Centre.

Posted 22 Dec 2012, 19:11 #8 

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Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

Click the image to go to Nano-Meet Website

Posted 22 Dec 2012, 19:38 #9 

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Bermudan 75
I had hoped to buy these, but cound not afford then, nowt new there then.......

Posted 23 Dec 2012, 18:21 #10 

Rover418275 wrote:I had hoped to buy these, but cound not afford then, nowt new there then.......

I know how you feel :(

Took me 5 years of waiting to get the Walnut Steering Wheel and Powerfolds.

Fitted Electric Memory Seat, Leather Cubby Lid, Wood Dash, Message Centre.

Posted 24 Dec 2012, 00:24 #11 

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I'm considering selling mine.....

Posted 24 Dec 2012, 19:14 #12 

