How much by PaulT

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Yve has had her eyes tested and needs new lenses but also claims she needs new frames. So off looking at frames and once again how do they come up with the prices? She is looking at frameless ones, so just two arms and a bridge piece. Presumably made in China at a pound each at most, ah, but the are designer frames so let's start talking at £170.

Where she had her eyes tested she saw a frame she liked - £170, came home and found an optician selling them at £108. That is 63% of the local opticians price and the one on line will be making a profit.

I presume that 'non designer' frames grow on trees or is at a case of all are designed it is just a competition to see how much you can screw out of the punters.

Perhaps, even mystifying to me is how they can ask £349 for some.

That apart Mrs Lincoln, did you enjoy the play


Posted 28 Apr 2015, 13:43 #1 

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Ouch. I use direct specs. Way cheaper!

Posted 28 Apr 2015, 17:09 #2 

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So far the only specs I have bought have been from Tesco or Amazon, at £4 each!


Posted 28 Apr 2015, 17:38 #3 

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Try buying distance vision glasses from there Tesco!

I got two pairs of single vision lenses, to my prescription, in designer frames (Ted Baker) for well under a hundred.

Posted 28 Apr 2015, 17:59 #4 

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I guess I'm lucky that I only need glasses for reading!

Posted 28 Apr 2015, 20:39 #5 

Yve normally buys lenses on line - vari focals with transitions etc. Do not know if she has tried Direct Glasses, but was trawling the Internet last night.

That apart Mrs Lincoln, did you enjoy the play


Posted 29 Apr 2015, 06:05 #6 

