How inconvenient. by Mick

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I need to pay a visit to my dentist.
We are well acquainted so gave him a call at home last evening. He has had to close his place of business for the duration of the Olympics. The end of his road where it joins the North Circular and A12 junctions at Redbridge Station has been closed off, traffic is backed up everywhere in every direction, this is a very busy junction at any time. His patients were arriving two hours late for appointments, his staff suffering the same. He had little choice but to shut up shop.
Now what about his patients in an emergency or at least in great discomfort?
Although having plenty of notice of the road closure and subsequent loss of business and inconvenience to his patients, there has been no offer of compensation. I wonder just how many others have had their business lives ruined by this shambles.

Posted 31 Jul 2012, 11:56 #1 

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Bermudan 75
Might be worth putting in an appeal to the Valuation Office Agency for a Material Change of Circumstances to claim some rates back. However if it just for the duration of the Olympics they might not even consider it.

Posted 31 Jul 2012, 12:21 #2 

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But to be fair, anyone with an ounce of sense could have predicted the chaos it would cause in London, so why not just close the Practise for 2 weeks for the Summer Holidays? :confused:

Posted 31 Jul 2012, 12:40 #3 

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(Site Admin)
MrDoodles wrote:But to be fair, anyone with an ounce of sense could have predicted the chaos it would cause in London, so why not just close the Practise for 2 weeks for the Summer Holidays? :confused:

Anyone with an ounce of sense would know that a healthcare practice does not close for summer holidays, does your doctor close his practice? And don't try to tell me it's not the same thing.

Posted 31 Jul 2012, 13:14 #4 

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Mick wrote:
MrDoodles wrote:But to be fair, anyone with an ounce of sense could have predicted the chaos it would cause in London, so why not just close the Practise for 2 weeks for the Summer Holidays? :confused:

Anyone with an ounce of sense would know that a healthcare practice does not close for summer holidays, does your doctor close his practice? And don't try to tell me it's not the same thing.

Sorry for having an opinion!

Posted 31 Jul 2012, 13:17 #5 

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Right!!! handbags at the ready !!! :hissyfit: :stirer: :-D :gmc:
Got one for Me , Then one for her, and now a big one for me again, All BLOO! Well saves on the touch up paint, Now Number one son's Spoilt it all by getting a Firefrost 1.8T

Posted 31 Jul 2012, 14:29 #6 

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ceedy wrote:Right!!! handbags at the ready !!! :hissyfit: :stirer: :-D :gmc:

Gold Medal to the winner
"Keep Smilin'"

Posted 31 Jul 2012, 14:33 #7 

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Borg Warner
zojosc wrote:
ceedy wrote:Right!!! handbags at the ready !!! :hissyfit: :stirer: :-D :gmc:

Gold Medal to the winner

Our first one then.

Posted 31 Jul 2012, 14:36 #8 

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No chance of that - they'll both lose!
Regards, Bill


Posted 31 Jul 2012, 15:52 #9 

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Depends which country they are representing :hissyfit: :gmc:

Posted 31 Jul 2012, 16:44 #10 

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I used to live half a mile up Redbridge Lane at Highcliffe gardens, from '62 till '68. It was a really pleasant environment then with spotless streets and manicured gardens. Today progress has gifted oily concreted slip ways, where lavender once sprung and syringe ridden gutters. In normal times, the commuters cars stretch up to my old home and beyond. The 'Red House Pub' on the roundabout opposite the tube station, has land mines and mortars installed to repel borders and season tickets for the miserably inadequate car park at the station, are more valuable than huts on Southwold beach!

All this before the Olympics, the latest man made disaster impacted invasively on our lives. News programmes are now just Olympics updates viz. Channel 4 news asks, 'will the 400 minute bedwetting gold medalist pass a diuretic test', or on Newsnight 'has the clockwork chinese cross country ball room dancing favourite found his lost key' (con't page 98).

Your poor physician, knowing that area, I can only imagine what a mess it all is down there. The poor mans done you a huge favour Mike, keep well away while this madness prevails. As for cost claims, worth a try, but expect Boris's KGB to reject any and everything - standard gov't policy nowadays. Just pay out on those strong enough to appeal, or connected enough to cop!

Happy days!

Posted 31 Jul 2012, 21:56 #11 

Sorry to hear of your discomfort Mick. Your inclusion (is that a dental term?) of the map brought back so many memories of that area in 1960 to ‘64.

To the right of the pin, at the Underground sign, is Gants Hill. My very first experience of life ‘dahn sarf’ in my employers’ staff accommodation above the shop (J Sainsbury). Twelve of us drawn from all corners of UK taken on as trainee butchers! Two Liverpudlians (or environs of), four Scots (unintelligible when clanned up), two Ulstermen (you could say that then), one Republican (essential for balance he said, he was ‘worth two of them anyday‘), two Geordie lads (who drank as much between them as all the others put together) and one virulent Mebyon Kernow (Cornish). Sunday mornings at Sammy Cohen’s (Jewish butchers) for hot salt beef sandwiches and my introduction to very Jewish humour, most of it toooo rude. My doctor’s surgery over the road who bought a launch model Rover 2000 in yellow. Me saying under my breath “one day, one day”. ‘Courting’ my wife in Valentines Park when you could wander through it at dead of night. Thanks Mick, your discomfort may nag, but it was worth it to me!

Posted 01 Aug 2012, 15:17 #12 

