Deliveries by PaulT

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Absolutely appalled, ordered items from two different companies yesterday and they were supposed to be delivered on Monday but they were delivered today :)

Commented to the delivery chap that 'your company is not like Yodel then'. He replied that Yodel is begging his company to take some of their deliveries. He stated that their traffic is a third up on last year but they are coping and getting goods delivered as fast as they can, hence my delivery on a Saturday.

Incidentally, it was UK Mail.

That apart Mrs Lincoln, did you enjoy the play


Posted 13 Dec 2014, 12:50 #1 

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Sounds good to me!

We had a "delivery" from Yodel yesterday. It was a delivery of a card saying "we tried to deliver your parcel" etc, except they clearly just popped the card through and ran. We've got three dogs here at the moment and they never miss anything when it comes to door knocks etc, but they didn't bat an eyelid, so clearly a stealth "delivery"!

Posted 14 Dec 2014, 11:35 #2 

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Dave wrote:Sounds good to me!

We had a "delivery" from Yodel yesterday. It was a delivery of a card saying "we tried to deliver your parcel" etc, except they clearly just popped the card through and ran. We've got three dogs here at the moment and they never miss anything when it comes to door knocks etc, but they didn't bat an eyelid, so clearly a stealth "delivery"!

Yodel are famous for that. Or you don't even get a card although they swear blind they did leave one... until you tell them they must have been invisible as well because nothing appears on the drive-way CCTV.

Hermes used to be the worst though as they used "mum's army" for the final delivery and if little Johnny had a toothache or there was shopping to be done, they deliveries became rock bottom priority. I don't think they do that now though.

Personally, I always use UPS these days.

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

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Posted 14 Dec 2014, 11:58 #3 

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(Site Admin)
One day I got a delivery by a "parcel service", which name I won't mention. Well, not a delivery as what you and me understand by delivery. The messenger of the gods just threw a card into the letterbox, stating they have missed me several times and won't come back (usually they do next day, unless you demand another delivery date). I would have to come to their depot in another town to collect the parcel of my own. :hissyfit:

Posted 14 Dec 2014, 13:55 #4 

