Car Dings Old vs New by Dave Goody

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Dave Goody
Hi Guys, to those who still post on the Owners club site, please look at the above thread. I have had a warning about my posts. As the husband of a disabled wife who I have loved dearly for almost 50 years, I said that people who park over 2 bays to stop people scratching their cars were wrong. My wife has problems walking 100 yds and says she doesn't want a blue badge as there are people worse than her about. What do you think? I have been a member from the start no. 106. I loved my ZT, but my wife is more important, am I wrong? Dave

Posted 09 Mar 2016, 22:44 #1 

Well Dave I have just waded through that - do not use the OC.Thought there was a little inflaming by you at the start but followed your reasoning. Admire your wife because I sense if she takes a blue badge then she has admitted defeat.

The OC seems to have some childish people on it (perhaps why some park in child bays :) ). Will admit I try to avoid dings - park over the far side of a car park but normally come back to find someone parked next to me :( .

Some car parks do have very narrow bays but these 'park across two bayites' do mean that at busy periods one cannot find anywhere to park. Perhaps they should go to a Citroen dealer and get those padded trims that are on the side of the Cactus.

Dave you are better off joining the adults on one of the other fora such as this one.

That apart Mrs Lincoln, did you enjoy the play


Posted 10 Mar 2016, 07:16 #2 

Dave Goody
I should not have got roused but when someone says I don't care as I have a mobility vehicle free, which I don't, it rather got me going and escalated from there.

Posted 10 Mar 2016, 10:18 #3 
