Brats in pubs by Bermudan 75

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Bermudan 75
I am sick and tired of going into a pub only to find the place infested with brats of all ages.

When I worked in the industry they were not allowed in unless to sweep the chimney, why has my precious time enjoyng a pint of real ale been destroyed?

What is the legal position on this these days?



Posted 24 Aug 2013, 19:47 #1 

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Rover418275 wrote:What is the legal position on this these days?

Legally Mike, if you kill thrm, you have to either eat them within three days or return the carcass to their (ir)responsible carer.

I've also found that offering them a small lager topped with battery acid also works.

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

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Posted 24 Aug 2013, 20:00 #2 

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Bermudan 75
I am thinking of creating a chain of pubs that only sell real ale, no lager, no music, and brats banned. Any takers/



Posted 24 Aug 2013, 20:06 #3 

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Rover418275 wrote:I am thinking of creating a chain of pubs that only sell real ale, no lager, no music, and brats banned. Any takers/




Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

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Posted 24 Aug 2013, 20:12 #4 

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raistlin wrote:
Rover418275 wrote:I am thinking of creating a chain of pubs that only sell real ale, no lager, no music, and brats banned. Any takers/




Sounds good to me too :clap:

Posted 24 Aug 2013, 21:08 #5 

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by some pigs , take the brats home , kill them , feed them to the pigs , everything gone...

Posted 25 Aug 2013, 09:51 #6 

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Don't blame the kids, blame the parents. I have nephews and nieces (grown up now) that have spent many hours in pubs with me and have always been a pleasure to be with and I know other adults have enjoyed their company. Good manners and respect for others is a thing that is taught and not born with.
"Keep Smilin'"

Posted 25 Aug 2013, 10:20 #7 

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zojosc wrote:Don't blame the kids, blame the parents.

But barbecued kid tastes so much better than barbecued parents.

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

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Posted 25 Aug 2013, 10:43 #8 

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(Site Admin)
I love kids but, I couldn't eat a whole one. ;)

Posted 25 Aug 2013, 10:58 #9 

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To answer Mike's original question. Section 145 of the Licensing Act 2003 has little to say on the subject regarding children on licenced premises except that it is an offence to allow unaccompanied persons under the age of sixteen to be present. There are slightly different circumstances where the premises are not wholly designed for the sale and consumption of alcohol.

The licensee has the ability, of course, to apply restrictions as to who may or may not enter their premises and I know of one or two pubs in this area which are "child-free". How such a restriction affects their trade though, I have no idea, except to say that it probably works because otherwise they would not maintain the restrictions.

@ Andy - I agree with everything you say but, regardless of how well behaved they might be, there are times and places where the attendance of children is inappropriate, in my view.

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

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Posted 25 Aug 2013, 11:08 #10 

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Nice post Paul and I too agree with your sentiment of times and places but when I have taken children into such premises I have used common sense as to the venue and always known both the landlord, clientele and atmosphere of the pub so as not to impose on any ones free time.
"Keep Smilin'"

Posted 25 Aug 2013, 11:52 #11 

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Could do with a few more like you Andy :)

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

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Posted 25 Aug 2013, 13:39 #12 

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I am now donning a flack jacket and tin hat!!!!
First, get rid of the widescreen TV on the wall... football attracts these type.
second, get rid of the pub gaming machine.
Third, get rid of the bloody pool table (the amount of room these things need is horrendous).
Four, get rid of the juke box and background music machines.
Finally..... rip out the lager pumps.

Oh and one last thing... notify me and I'll be round there in quick time.

Posted 26 Aug 2013, 11:29 #13 

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I know of a pub close to me like that, I'm sure you will enjoy your own company in there. Go back to the days before widescreen tv's and lager and I remember sing songs about the war when it had been over for 20 odd years, darts hitting wires and flying in all directions across the bar and being slung out at two o'clock on a Sunday afternoon just when the pub was warming up.Things change old boy and the youth get their say as you did when you stopped the Inns allowing the watering of horses and the end to mead, served by wenches. ;)
"Keep Smilin'"

Posted 26 Aug 2013, 11:44 #14 

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Would that be the Oddessa Andy? ;)

Posted 26 Aug 2013, 14:01 #15 

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You've been there of late I take it Dave!
"Keep Smilin'"

Posted 26 Aug 2013, 16:01 #16 

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Not for years, it always looks closed :-D

Posted 26 Aug 2013, 21:30 #17 

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zojosc wrote:Brian
I know of a pub close to me like that, I'm sure you will enjoy your own company in there. Go back to the days before widescreen tv's and lager and I remember sing songs about the war when it had been over for 20 odd years, darts hitting wires and flying in all directions across the bar and being slung out at two o'clock on a Sunday afternoon just when the pub was warming up.Things change old boy and the youth get their say as you did when you stopped the Inns allowing the watering of horses and the end to mead, served by wenches. ;)

My old local where I used to live up to 3 years ago had 4 out of the five, he did have lager but the majority of drinkers were like me, partial to real ale. Yes we used to sing war songs, in fact we played 'em in our communal band, but we used to do more of that old fashioned thing, talk to each other. A newcomer would be welcomed with "Glad you popped in 'nipper'" and would leave thinking that he had been there many times before. Yes there was a dart board but it was tucked away and I never played it. In all of the many years that I went there, I never heard of anyone getting hurt though. 8 real ales in summer and six in winter gave us plenty to talk about and barring from the odd wife coming down and ordering home the errant husband, I never once witnessed a fight of any kind. Jokes abounded, dogs were made welcome, and the odd spill on the old floorboards was widely tolerated for the old floor had experienced it many times in the 200 years or so they had been there. A brilliant landlord who knew how to keep his ale, knew how to keep a lively pub going because it was occupied most nights and full on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. You may be flippant in your remarks but the good old fashioned pub cannot be beaten and since the original poster asked how to keep out the brats I only gave the my answers in an opinion that I am entitled too, I did not say that they should not have any where to go, they may of course..... but not in my pub.

Posted 27 Aug 2013, 14:52 #18 

