Anyone going to Argentina? by Dave Goody

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Dave Goody
Just returned from a week working in Argentina. On the way out I exchanged £100 for Argentine Pesos at the American Express currency exchange at Term 5 Heathrow. On my return from Buenos Aires I found that the American Express Exchange had been closed at Term 5 and I had £60 to change back into sterling. Phone Am Ex, not interested, went to my bank [Barclays] not interested tried several High St currency exchanges, same. Went onto Internet with question " how do I exchange Argentine Pesos?" Apparently no bank in Europe will! Its a volatile currency!
If anyone is going to Argentina this year and wants a highly favourable exchange for about 600 pesos contact me!Dave

Posted 19 Aug 2013, 22:11 #1 

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So it's pesos off at our banks...and not just for lending it would seem. :gmc:

Posted 20 Aug 2013, 20:14 #2 

I had the same problem with Bolivianos, thankfully only £8 worth.

Posted 21 Aug 2013, 15:07 #3 

Dave Goody
This is about £70 at AM EX exchange rates, about 8.5 to the £. apparently I could have exchanged £1 for 14 Pesos on the black market in Argentina,
You live and learn, PS Don't cry for me

Posted 21 Aug 2013, 16:09 #4 

