announcement made by suzublu (Page 2 of 2)

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For the record, I'd like to point out the out-of-context statement regarding deletion of the club shop. An offer of recompense was tabled for their continued use of the shop code which was written solely by myself. It was all my coding therefore my intellectual property. During the 'negotiation' period, the shop was removed but with all data (ie sales, products) kept in the database safe and sound. Since no offer was made to myself I never had the opportunity to re-upload the files and neither have I been asked for them since.

I of course wish whoever undertakes the roles outlined in the Club's brief every success and if the restructure mentioned takes the club forward then best of luck to them.

Posted 10 Jul 2010, 17:42 #21 

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Zeb they still have the option of negotiating a settlement for the work done on the shop if they wish to continue to use your work I presume?

Posted 11 Jul 2010, 17:02 #22 

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Wrongly attributed to Gaius Petronius:-

We trained hard, but it seemed that every time we were beginning
to form up into teams, we would be reorganized. I was to learn later
in life that we tend to meet any new situation by reorganizing;
and a wonderful method it can be for creating the illusion of progress
while producing confusion, inefficiency, and demoralization.

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

Click the image to go to Nano-Meet Website

Posted 11 Jul 2010, 17:12 #23 

May I be potentially controversial here and also to try to stop any unpleasnatness down the line.

The so called club is in fact a limited company so people should be aware that it is not actually a club in the normal sense of most car clubs - i.e. the members have a say. The subs on the 'club' site go, presumably to the directors and they do with it what they see fit.

What is the actual set up of the community - is it very similar to the limited company 'club' set up but without being limited?

To me it seems to be owned by the 4 individuals who set it up and to whom our subs have gone.

Without informing the members here are the 4 owners heading into the same situation that the 'club' has got itself in to.

Please do not get me wrong I think this is a great site and as Zeb has said mellow - but is that at the moment and does the future hold for it what the 'club' has held for its directors which they are now reaping?

That apart Mrs Lincoln, did you enjoy the play


Posted 11 Jul 2010, 17:38 #24 

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Note your concerns Paul but there are no subs to pay here, everything is free, if an individual wishes to financially help with the web costs etc a donation is purely voluntary :)
Photobucket = Tossers


Posted 11 Jul 2010, 17:44 #25 

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(Site Admin)
As Dave says this forum is free to use.
There are no tiers of members or staff. There's we four running the show and it is a hobby, I had not envisaged this as any kind of professional / business set up. As long as it does not cost us anything to keep up it will fundamentally remain as you see it now. The level of donations has been very well received I have emailed each one with our thanks. It will be spent wisely. .............. As soon as we can think of something. :)

Posted 11 Jul 2010, 18:06 #26 

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Food for the picnic :D
Photobucket = Tossers


Posted 11 Jul 2010, 18:13 #27 

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Mick wrote: The level of donations has been very well received I have emailed each one with our thanks. It will be spent wisely. .............. As soon as we can think of something. :)

Piss up in the park? ;)
"Keep Smilin'"

Posted 11 Jul 2010, 18:17 #28 

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Please ignore my suggestion and go for option 2 :D
Photobucket = Tossers


Posted 11 Jul 2010, 18:19 #29 

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(Site Admin)
takestock wrote:Food for the picnic :D

Nice idea Dave but I could see that being a logistical nightmare.

We are moving servers in the near future, which will take a large bite out of funds.

Posted 11 Jul 2010, 18:24 #30 

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takestock wrote:This is the plan that was in place last year as I understand it, I do hope it helps the club to move forward, as move forward it must.

It is a shame that it has taken recent events to make this happen.

i agree :iagree: :angry:

Posted 12 Jul 2010, 08:04 #31 

raistlin wrote:Wrongly attributed to Gaius Petronius:-

We trained hard, but it seemed that every time we were beginning
to form up into teams, we would be reorganized. I was to learn later
in life that we tend to meet any new situation by reorganizing;
and a wonderful method it can be for creating the illusion of progress
while producing confusion, inefficiency, and demoralization.

Ah yes, a description of our previous Government I believe.

Posted 12 Jul 2010, 20:24 #32 

Christopher has too much time on his hands.

And as others have said, whether people object or not, he will do what he damn well likes.

Posted 27 Jul 2010, 22:16 #33 

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Diesel wrote:Christopher has too much time on his hands.

And as others have said, whether people object or not, he will do what he damn well likes.

Too much time on his hands? Seems to me that neither of them have enough time to devote to the club.

Latest example, from the big announcement:

There’s already quite a bit there to digest, and we would now be delighted to receive suggestions from all members before we progress to the next area, which will cover how people assume the new roles created. This will be released in the next few days depending on the discussions arising at this stage.

That was July 9th.....

But of course, there is the get-out clause of 'depending on the discussions arising'...

Equally, I agree that Peter and Christopher WILL do exactly as they please. Why wouldn't they? They own the club!

Posted 28 Jul 2010, 06:58 #34 

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The trick is to agree with everyone and do nothing.. ;)

Posted 28 Jul 2010, 14:28 #35 
