A Question for the learned among us by takestock

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So if Chris Huhne's ex wife pleads guilty, he is stuffed, right?
Photobucket = Tossers


Posted 06 Feb 2012, 17:03 #1 

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Borg Warner
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned!!

They probably both are.

Posted 06 Feb 2012, 17:20 #2 

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The fact that his ex-wife does appear to be out for vengeance might, just might save his neck even if she does plead guilty...

Posted 06 Feb 2012, 19:09 #3 

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Bermudan 75
At least Huhne did the honourable thing and resigned from his position in the Cabinet, take note John Terry.

Posted 06 Feb 2012, 20:47 #4 

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takestock wrote:So if Chris Huhne's ex wife pleads guilty, he is stuffed, right?

I don't see that the one leads to the other Dave.

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

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Posted 06 Feb 2012, 21:13 #5 

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raistlin wrote:
takestock wrote:So if Chris Huhne's ex wife pleads guilty, he is stuffed, right?

I don't see that the one leads to the other Dave.

How does that work then Paul.
If they are both charged and she pleads guilty how can he be not?

(thats why i'm a gas man :D)
Photobucket = Tossers


Posted 06 Feb 2012, 21:26 #6 

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Borg Warner
Rover418275 wrote:At least Huhne did the honourable thing and resigned from his position in the Cabinet, take note John Terry.

Maybe, just maybe he's innocent.mmmm

Did I hear correctly he could go down for a loooooonnngg time?

Posted 06 Feb 2012, 21:43 #7 

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OK Dave, first of all she could be lying ;) Apart from that though, she would then have to give evidence, under oath or affirmation, against her ex-spouse, at his trial.

The fact, if it turns out to be so, that she has pleaded guilty is not, of itself, evidence of his guilt.

That will be decided by the testing of evidence by both the prosecution and defence during his trial.

Bear in mind, as well, that she has just pleaded guilty to perverting the course of justice. What weight would you give to anything she then says in a court-room?

Furthermore, as I recall, she had some hand in raising the possibility of his having committed the offence in the first place.

Put yourself in the situation of a prosecutor trying to convince a jury based upon the say-so of somebody already guilty of a similar offence :lol:

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

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Posted 06 Feb 2012, 22:18 #8 

raistlin wrote:Put yourself in the situation of a prosecutor trying to convince a jury based upon the say-so of somebody already guilty of a similar offence :lol:

Paul, surely the prosecutor would not take that line. All he would say is 'this man is an MP, I rest my case'.

That apart Mrs Lincoln, did you enjoy the play


Posted 07 Feb 2012, 07:29 #9 

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Just to resurrect, Huhne's case comes up for trial next month - just a few weeks to wait :lol: Before anybody suggests an element of schadenfreude, I'll just say - judicial interest ;)

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

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Posted 24 Sep 2012, 17:46 #10 

Last edited by Raistlin on 24 Sep 2012, 18:18, edited 2 times in total.

Aren't they all, and I do mean all, just an awfully shabby, sordid, smug, sly, lying lot? How can anybody harbour inner-selves like them and then have the absolute gall to expect the electorate to place our trust in them? And both women continue to expect to retain the confidence of their 'clients', and what's more do so! Perhaps that does make us plebs after all. Hooray for plebdom.

Posted 24 Sep 2012, 18:03 #11 

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Innocent until proved guilty... but I agree :lol:

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

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Posted 24 Sep 2012, 18:16 #12 

raistlin wrote:Innocent until proved guilty... but I agree :lol:

Yes, of course Paul, you're right. Doesn't Scotland have an alternative verdict, not guilty, not innocent, - Not Proven?

Most of us would be excrutiatingly ashamed if there was even an inkling of doubt about our decency or honesty. These slugs are brazenly satisfied if nothing can be proven. They glory in the fact that they have access to those servants of the Crown who can get them off on a technicality, even though those same servants must be as able as the rest of us to read between the lines. What price a lawyer with a conscience.

Posted 24 Sep 2012, 22:34 #13 

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Well I'm shocked by the membership on here! Really, fancy suggesting that a thoroughly upstanding Lib Dem MP like Mr Huhne would conceive of lying - what a thing to suggest - the Police are just really unreasonable, or need to listen more carefully, when having lets face it, the honour to be rubbing shoulders with these paragons of virtue and veracity.

Anyway that nice Mr Clegg can apologise for him and inside a year or so he'll pop up again, just like Mr Laws. I'm personally very grateful to our politicians for taking away the problem of me having to worry about how they'll manage, after giving of themselves so selflessly. How can they manage on an ordinary wage like the plebs, (whoops constituents) get.

Guilty or innocent, it's a peerless victory anyway, as they seem to self re-cycle (no current pun intended) faster than an empty brown envelope.

Another warm comfort for us altruists, is that at 58 years of age and having been an MP for 72 long months, Mr Huhne still gets his pension of £49,303 a year (75% of salary after 6 years, post 55 years of age) indexed of course! What jolly good value he's been to probably only cost the country a likely £1.6 million in pension payments over an expected (and well deserved) retirement of 25 years. A good leg-up too, as those nasty Tories have just fiddled (oops adjusted) the tax allowance for OAP's by freezing indexation, on this easement for the first time since 1925.

But I was worried for Chris, what would happen in the unlikely event of him being locked up in the slammer, if his termagant wife drops him in the khazi?

Phew he's OK, thank goodness - he still gets his pension paid, until we are robbed of his presence on this earth by a higher authority.

"Fair tax in tough times" - that's the theme of the good folk in 'orange' down at Brighton this week, I'm glad mine will be invested so wisely by them on Mr Huhne's future - after all we're all in it together!

Posted 25 Sep 2012, 02:45 #14 

