Looking for a mechanic in Telford/Shrewsbury area or help by salop75

Rover 75 2.5 V6 177Ps Automatic
Hi, I wont bore with you the state of my rover 75, suffice to say it may require some TLC, but it's current condition is a bit of an unknown so i'm looking for some help and advice, either from local members or from recommended mechanics in the area.

The car is currently inoperable, flagging an EP code and whilst it turns over it makes no effort to start. If work and the kids allow, i will try and get out and perform some basic diagnosis myself. I am at that point where i have to decide if the car is economical to repair.

So can anybody here recommend a good mechanic in the Telford or Shrewsbury area? Or are any members experienced and willing to give me a bit of their time? (I should add that i am more than willing to pay for anyones time)


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Posted 05 May 2013, 14:30 #1 

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There are some basic checks you can do yourself in the first instance, check the fuses as another member solved the EP code by finding a faulty fuse, no 34 i believe but dont hold me to it.

Also are you plenums clear of water as if not it can play havoc with the ECU (Engine Control Unit) and electrics, and you could also try a battery reset as it seems to solve a few electrical issues similar to ctrl/alt/delete on your pc
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Planning is an unnatural process, much better to just get on with things, that way failure comes as a complete surprise instead of being preceeded by a period of worry and doubt

Posted 05 May 2013, 17:08 #2 

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Are there any other symptoms of the problem, perhaps the central locking or indicators not behaving?

Do you know the history? Did it just stop, or was it OK when you left it but then wouldn't play next time?

Posted 06 May 2013, 18:43 #3 

Plenums are clear, i deeply suspect the mechanic employed to work on the replacement of the engine spiked the ECU. Kids and wife all laid low with some nasty bug doing the rounds has precluded me from poking around myself so i had the car taken to a local garage i know. They have tried everything they have to perform basic communication with the ECU, nadda, other units like the ABS (Antilock Braking System) unit communicate ok, so it all points to a blown ECU.

I've been in contact with the ECU doctor, they can perform a repair, so thats a start. It shouldn't require any T4 (Testbook version 4.Computer Diagnostic System) access, but they do warn that very occasionally on some rebuilds the ECU has to be 'virginised' and will require T4 access to re-code it to the car.

Are there any members with T4 equipment in my area of the country (just in case), i remember Keith Alexander having T4 in the dim and distant past?

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Posted 13 May 2013, 12:08 #4 

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I'd missed this happened after an engine swap, sorry. It could also be something simple they have missed. For example it's quite easy to blow one of the big fuses in the engine bay fusebox, and if checked while on the car they can appear OK to an inexperienced person. Also possible there's a problem with the round pin circular connectors on the LH wing. It could even be something as simple as an earth that they forgot to replace properly when the engine was put in. On the V6s there's a separate earth lead that connects from the engine ECU direct to the battery earth terminal, with a little nut just on the corner. Easy to forget and would probably cause your symptoms.

It's got to be worth double checking the basics first, as ECUs have some degree of protection against 'spiking' as people call it.

Posted 13 May 2013, 19:24 #5 

Got a call from the garage, cannot communicate with the ECU, it looked like time to call in the ecu-doctor. Asked them to remove it so i could pick it up and get t shipped off. Got a call shortly afterwards, the ECU wasn't connected, to look at it looked connected but it wasn't, once connected it fired right up :) oh how we laughed.

Naturally a lot of codes had cleared, it did show the crankshaft sensor at fault, the previous mechanic had replaced it, plus the balance power valve but that always faults ;) So i can only presume the previous mech had disconnected the ECU for some reason, in his failed efforts to make the engine run.

So car is back on the road and seems to run just fine. There is oil pooled in the centre of the V, no idea why, so i'l clean it up and keep an eye on the fluids. I'll make progressively longer runs in the car and hopefully its back to running smoothly.

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Posted 14 May 2013, 21:26 #6 

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Well good news! Sometimes it is the 'easy' things.

Posted 14 May 2013, 21:28 #7 

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(Site Admin)
Really glad to hear it's fixed John.

Posted 14 May 2013, 21:33 #8 

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Glad it's a happy ending.

Posted 14 May 2013, 22:27 #9 
