PULLY WHEEL by photowriter

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Hello regarding my Rover 75 2002 diesel. I had the alternator changed a few weeks ago and now the belt has snapped. A mobile mechanic tells me the pully wheel driving the alternator had bee slightly damaged ( ding on the edge ) This could only have been done by the garage fitting the alternator.
Can any tell me the part number and description for this pully wheel o i can order another.
I hope the new belt will last a week until a new pully arrives. But the car drove 8000kms across Europe with the old belt and the wheel was then damaged. I was lucky than you for you help in advance

Posted 13 Nov 2016, 14:08 #1 

Rimmer Bros www.rimmerbros.co.ukdo not list the pulley as a separate part just the alternator with pulley. You are only going to get the pulley by uying an alternator. Could buy a s/h on eBay and remove the pulley.

That apart Mrs Lincoln, did you enjoy the play


Posted 13 Nov 2016, 15:48 #2 

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It's also very hard to get the pulley off the alternator. I have tried and so far failed.

Posted 13 Nov 2016, 21:43 #3 

