Hand Brake Cables by Big Frank

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Big Frank
Well I hope that most folks would have picked up the various 'threads' on other realted sites but just to update us 260 and RV8 owners.

I have investigated, provided patterns, sourced and paid for new prototype cables which are designed to fit our cars. The new cables are currently I hope being fitted to my MK1 MG ZT260SE this week so I will be able to report soon that we have a go on this. Once sorted I will get prices for both the long and short cables as sets. Not yet sorted is where these will be sent from - possibly the MGZT260 shop but not yet agreed so don't go bothering them yet. Whatever they are going to be a hell of a lot cheaper than anything ever supplied via Xpart!! Keep looking and if you have not already done so add your name to the list of orders on the two-sixties owners.com site.

Best wishes, Big Frank.

Posted 22 Jun 2010, 22:36 #1 
